
It will just make him want to do more.

Its known as the Paul Ryan effect.

Iv actually been thinking that exact thought since they asked that hypothetical on Real Time, the best (worst) the panel could up with was Anthony there is way too much synergy between what i do online and my last name Wiener. Then again, would Kanye West be really that bad compared to Mike Pence or Ted Cruz?

You can eat them and use their corpses to heat your home.

I would say its depressing that its a partisan issue in the most powerful and influential country on Earth. If a dem were to say something positive about breathing, conservatives would find a way to make it controversial.

And Discovery is trying to tell me that people doing their blue collar jobs is good television.

Also, fuck talking dead, straight up how good must Chris Hardwick be at sucking off AMC execs to have not one, not two but THREE shows where he gets paid to talk about tv series.

Well its a "historical" setting. most of history is pretty hostile towards women and west world seems like its a place marketed to men who want to act out power fantasies.

Maybe they are allowed to have sex, they just cant get attached.

No word of a lie thats my dream job.

Well the OG Uncle Tom from Uncle Toms Cabin was a noble figure.

Was it a pm or did she post on your wall?

Well there was a lot of sitting around, i think what got to them was living in the cold mud with rats and body lice.


Straight up what a punk, and fuck Jo too, he didnt hit her.

I hate them already, god dam gender neutral kids and their driverless flying mopeds, taking up space in the geo dome that keeps us all alive, my tax dollars paid for that dome!

and my lambo is blue.

Hunter Beastman


Star Wars seems a silly thing to be jaded over.