
I tried watching Steven Universe because i thought it would be good to watched blazed like Adventure Time is, but its aimed even younger.

I think its just an emotional thing, like the former Bernie supporters saying they will vote for Johnson.

were they not wrapped in plastic?

opium poppies?

I thought the guys were saying it had something to do with making prison rapists empathize with the prisoners they rape.

I felt like he "won" because he came across as much more confident and slightly less canned than Kaine. Dont get me wrong, i loathe Pence and everything he stands for, but I found Kaine much more annoying than him. I was also pretty dam high for the last half hour, just to provide some context.

Unless your watching Aljazeera

…Tygas debts and lawsuits

He said he was for some reason a few months ago but hes not.

Iv been on the roofs of buildings in my small down town, which are four stories tops and literally hug the roofs, meanwhile iv been to the CN tower and i was jumping on the glass floor no problem.

I want a TV spin off of 4 Lions produced by CBC.

haha knew it.

I wouldnt say hes corrupt, hes just a con man who rips off and bullys people.

They put it there to scare away homeless K2 and PCP users.

It seems like thats been the case for a lot of Obamas major foreign policy decisions, where things have gone badly but its not all that clear whether the other option would have yielded better results. LIke the decision to not go to war with Assad after saying he would when Assad used chemical weapons on civilians, he

I agree, although MRAs are actually causing harm in India by fighting against laws that forbid dowry violence.

He also helped create the military industrial complex he warned about in his farewell address.

Memba the Beatles? I memba, memba Rolling Stones? Oh I memba, memba when there werent all these polacks taking our jobs? Yeah i memba.

He didnt really have a choice, Bush signed an agreement with Iraq saying the troops would be out by December 31, 2011, people have short memories.

I would just point out its stupid for him to bring up stop and frisk because thats a municipal issue not a federal issue. Also its been declared unconstitutional by the courts. Hes just pandering like any other politician.