
Just saying i wouldnt mind government providing drug fueled orgies to every adult citizen.

Unless your Chance the Rapper.

Didnt he go on some rant about how horrible hair spray was now because of restrictions on chemicals causing O-Zone depletion. Guess we know what his priorities are.

I actually saw very little wrong in A Brave New World, aside from the naivety that an autocratic neo-darwinist society would go to such great lengths to keep the lower castes happy.

I do it too!

Given where your coming from i can respect why, and I think that Kaps method of protest has made it easy for certain ideologues to dismiss what hes doing. Its not your reaction i was referring to (could you go on fox news), it just seemed like the right place to make that point.

My issue with a lot of the reaction against Kap is that people are putting words in his mouth, folks are saying hes against the troops, against the cops etc but he hasnt said anything against the troops, he hasnt said he hates all cops. It makes me wonder why being against police brutality means being against the very

She didnt really vote for the Iraq war, she just gave the Bush administration the power to do so, at that time the intelligence community was screaming that Saddam could hit America with a WMD, it looked like the chinese and russians would block any attempt through the UN even if America was actually at risk, she was

Hey he didnt call them all rapists, just most of them-biiiiiggg difference.

Vice filed an FOIA for the audits of Trumps tax returns.


Except for live-rape with commentary from Ato Boldon and Brian Boucher, those guys are terrible.

So thats why he was toasting assholes.

And that one is always Rob.

I am in love with this show, i might even say its REAL TRAP SHIIT.

Man just thinking about it i realized for someone who was supposed to be the next madona she dropped off the map real quick.

Yeah the message is thats what happens to trans women who are arrested in certain jurisdictions, how often does that tragic fact ever get brought up? Allah forbid we ever show trans people in a context where they arent being respected or being inspirational figures, where people dont stand up for them. I thought it

I guess some people want a scene where Earn stands up, gives an inspirational speech and everyone changes their minds about deeply ingrained ideas about gender and masculinity. Personally, it reminded me that Trans woman are placed in male jails and prisons, and maybe someone else watching didnt know that to begin

Am i the only one who thinks Rob Riggle is funny?

Has there ever been a movie about airmen getting shot down over occupied Europe and making their way back to England?