
Reading on wikipedia reveals Adams Sandler donated to Rudy Ghoulyanys presidential bid.

Iv heard of that, it was the inspiration behind Rob McElthenney gaining 50 lbs for ASIP..

I was in..third grade i wanta say, but probably first, and my mom picking me up from school telling me everything was ok, i was 6 (probably) and what happened didnt mean anything to me other than cartoons were replaced with talking heads. Im in a relatively small Canadian town, so the threat of terrorism has never

The line could have been ripped out of BJHorseman

I love that actor, he could have been an RnB star a decade ago with his look and voice.

One of my favorite rap songs is Black Faces ft Nipsey Hustle.

Its the main reason i stopped watching the show, i could have found all the other stuff watchable but i could not stand Hakeems rapping, that dude is like a wanna be Drake who is actually a bargain basement Tyga (TYGA! who is himself a bargain basement version of YG.)

That part where the cops dusted the heavy mentally handicapped dude with night sticks got me all twisted up, cause thats probably horrifically common.

The next thing they should do is a Twin Peaks meets Girls Gone Wild kind of show.

I appreciate that the music is good enough its actually believable that Paper Boy is a blowing up in the city, the lack of rap skillz has sullied otherwise perfectly bearable movies starring Terence Howard.

She makes an alright conservative foil on Real Time, but the lady is not funny, such an unfunny awkward bit.

I do not like how somehow in ancient Mediterranean settings everyone has a bad British accent.


C'mon we have a rich history of racism, thats gotta count for something.

Maybe its a far north/Manitoba thing.

They actually did that? My old man would just threaten to put us in foster care, i didnt know what exactly that was but i didnt like the word "foster." Fun Fact: a couple years ago im watching the news and they did a story on how horrific the system is in my province, including one woman who was placed with a literal

hatin ass pigs, #FREEWOLF, SUWU!

….so no Curtis Snow cameo?

The (dearly departed) Nightly Show was really bad for that, but Larry is a good deal more competent real talker than Trevor, who seems to stumble incredulously through the parts where he gets "serous."

Community Colleges are deeply underappreciated, wanta grow as a person? talk to the mature students who fucked up seven different ways before getting their lives on track.