
Martin Sckrelli does all that?

Arizona green tea and watermelon!

well gotten injured hard a couple of times, im thinking they would have had bjorn really young, so id guess they are in their late 30s

you havent heard crunkcore have you?

Killer Mike

Indiana Jones(ing) and tha Que$t for Dat Holy Grail ku$h

They wouldnt have a lawyer doing the research, just some legal assistant or intern.

Daily Planet gets bought up by Shaw media, Lois loses her pension and benefits but they bring her back on as freelancer at half pay.

still gets more lines than T-Dog

Dale is a perfect caricature of Lindsey Graham..

Dee would have reason to be apathetic, after all the stuff that the gangs done to her (water boarding, lit on fire, half dozen destroyed vehicles.) I think Charlie would be ok, if he got over waitress (say she was killed for instance) hes gotten some decent women and he knows how to run a bar. Mac would just keep up


and Frank just walks back in, covered in dirt, like nothing had happened.

I distinctly remember him in thee basement rubbing and speaking affectionately to something in his hand.

Theres more explicit sexuality in advertising than music nowadays anyway.

he needs to stop cultivating and start harvesting, his weight is starting to effect all of us

if they didnt want to die they shouldnt have resisted predation

i think their god would be the crow or that thing from hitch hikers guide to the galaxy made of all the things Arthur had killed.

Its what every good, America loving woman does on a Friday night, gets e'm in the mood for some patriot making.

Brits moan about winter? how often does it drop below -20?