
I think he has some success as a poor mans John Mayer.

It will be like Degrassi

Trump is what the GOP gets for years of whipping up their base into a paranoid frenzy non stop for two decades. Even as the democrats moved to the center they cried communism, they managed to convince their base calm, christian, centrist Obama was a radical islamic marxist, now the bases idea of a pitched fight is the

except when they put some thought into it Ted Cruz won, thats not an endorsement of thinking

Vivid released a title with exactly that premise

some people like tripe, i found it to be like Velcro, but made of flesh

i live Ontario so..methadone is my wake-wake juice.

thats a thing?

i take it your retirement plan, like everyone elses under 40, is contingent on inheritance money

funny how dark humor isnt good enough for the academy, but all the jew jokes in Big bang theory get the nod

On vice they have had entire paragraphs repeat, sometimes one after the other, sometimes the replicate is spliced in the middle of a different paragraph.

maybe this will remind people of that journalists aren't part of some sinister leftist cabal trying to silence the voice of the people.

mine was that senator who blew his brains out at a press conference.

The review author mentions that it was probably a Kansas City operative talking to Hanzee at the end but if that was the case, Mike wouldn't have been rewarded, not that it was much an award but his boss seemed genuinely pleasant towards him, and given that they were going to have him killed before for doing a bad

i think it made fun of the idea by positing a best case scenario, like as if being in a mexican stand off makes everyone more empathetic,

yea i didnt see it as a statement about whether everyone having guns was a good thing, it wasnt the guns the brought everyone together it was the sense that everyone was on equal ground, they were all in it together (if person pulled the trigger they would all die) so they were willing to listen, admit where they went

Like Malvo coming after Lester

Remind me what Gen x was bitter over again?

i think that was on Daily Show, have you seen his politifact page, 29 fale statements, 16 pants on fire, 0 true.

Rapington Bear