I Remember Lou Merloni

I mean, the gold standard for this is Every Breath You Take, is it not? Creepy as heck. Brilliant song. 

“Spectre and whatever the one after Casino Royale was called”.

I don’t think 80 Days is that bad. It’s not deep, but it’s a lot of fun and a great way to introduce Jackie Chan to little kids who can’t read subtitles. On the pantheon of US Jackie films, I’d put it below Shanghai Noon/Knights and Rush Hour 1, but ahead of the all the rest.

Jackie and Arnie  just didn’t learn their lesson from last time, did they?

I watched the trailer and I still have no idea what just happened.

Wes Anderson backlash is so strange to me. The guy has generated little-to-no controversy in 25+ years of making major movies and he puts out a reliably solid (and lucrative) product.

And thank god for that.

I’m so glad it hasn’t happened, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t morbidly curious what a Wes Anderson Marvel movie would be like.

Also it really is his thing, and his thing only. I hope he never changes.

I know there are people who get tired of Wes Anderson because he only does The One Thing, but I still get excited over every new movie of his. I mean, yeah, he only does The One Thing, but he does it so well.

How does it feel to be married to a guy with two assholes?

It’s also amazing to me that the actors playing Shiv and Tom are Australian and British respectively. Finding foreigners playing Americans is like a hobby with all these shows nowadays...

hey i know you wrote a bunch and i’m sure a lot of it is smart analysis but if you put ‘over-amped sjw’ in the first sentence, even if you’re right, it makes you look like a dink.

Even with 250M, he can’t buy out Waystar.  

I don’t think she was all that concerned about the lies Logan was telling the public.  What got her was that he lied to her about what was going on, and is leading her off a glass cliff.  She doesn’t suddenly have a new moral compass, she’s just not interested in destroying her career. 

You can’t make a Tomlette without breaking a few Gregs”

Oh Rhea, all that shock over Logan’s lies was pretty rich after the shit you pulled with Shiv.

He’s every smarmy, ivy-league douche running around the halls of the Russell building. Perfectly cast and acted.

I hate Nate. My Ma hates Nate. Seriously, Nate looks just like B. J. Novak and acts just like Ryan in The Office, but without the hilariously misplaced confidence and blatantly put-upon persona. Nate just sucks.