
The Celebgate/Fappening perpetrators used a combination of guessing security questions and phishing expeditions. They sent out hundreds of emails disguised as official Apple communications. In some cases they redirected people to sites disguised as official Apple security portals that did nothing but save their

famously reclusive Carl Dean was spotted last month leaving the Brentwood

Radish? That kid’s gonna be nicknamed Radish.

Arthur meets the Simpsons?

Collin Peterson of MN is a Blue Dog Dem. Tell me more about how it’s so important to keep backing these shitty anti choice Dems for that all important majority in the chamber.

Fuck every asshole that tells me I have to sacrifice my uterus for the greater good of your personal slice of “heaven” in a red state. For the

People kept asking me last year why I was volunteering so much time to help re-elect our one moderate Dem senator (he ended up losing his seat to a repug). This is why:

Fewer people will pay for the higher class, or use miles/cash to request an upgrade, if they know there’s a chance they could get it for free. That appears to be the airlines’ rationale.

while we’re at it, can we add juicing to the list? increased sugar consumption and less fiber is just a bad idea nutritionally, as well.

According to a recent poll by the New York Times, 44 percent of Boomers recognized Pete, as opposed to 6 of Gen Z and 15 percent of millennials.

The worst part of this madness is that this kind of insane physique can only be achieved through constant and ever escalating physical torture. You can’t even enjoy looking this way because you’re starving, exhausted, and having to constantly jack up your workouts/diet to keep ahead of your body’s desperate attempts

The two I love currently are Mobituaries with Mo Rocca. Subjects from Laura Branigan to the first African American congressmen to Audrey Hepburn to the CBS rural sitcoms of the 60s.

I was really hoping this last one at least was going to be about Kylo dealing with being the new leader of the First Order going up against Rey as the new leader of the Resistance/Jedis. I think that was an interesting enough dynamic to hang this movie on. We didn’t need Leia, Luke, Han, or Lando, and we sure as shit


My least favorite notion from TRoS is that thousands of non-affiliated ships take the extremely dangerous route to Exegol to help the Resistance fighters when asked by a man, after none (zero, zilch, zip) showed up when a mayday signal was sent out by a woman in TLJ. This may be the most sexist idea in the entire

Seconded. I had no problem with her lineage (or lack thereof).

Honestly if they just stuck with the idea that her parents were nobodies it would have made it so much better. 

Well, the whole decision to basically repeat the first trilogy undercuts it, badly. Yay, the good guys won...except that they have to do it all again 25 years later so their victory meant jackshit.  And obviously having Palpatine be not really dead makes the best part of “Return of the Jedi” completely meaningless. 

Everyone loves an acronym (as evidenced by all those WWJD bracelets and such), but I don't think ZXGVULYWOPT is gonna catch on.

I really wish she got a bit more credit for having intellectual curiosity.