Denying him a right to speak in public is also ridiculous though. Yes students pay tuition and taxes and so does he. I hate him too, but so long as he isn’t actually bombing or shooting anyone, he has a right to speak there.
Denying him a right to speak in public is also ridiculous though. Yes students pay tuition and taxes and so does he. I hate him too, but so long as he isn’t actually bombing or shooting anyone, he has a right to speak there.
Ok, you aren’t living in the Jim Crow south when Nazi’s are speaking publicly or just filming shit. They are awful but don’t compare your lived experience to people who actually went through the real Jim Crow, ok?
This is Clinton’s face when a bad sports move happens, and my face when I’ve been owned by an enemy online.
So like the E list has their own dating show?
Heck, I had a female boss who ACTIVELY OPPOSED other women advancing in the workplace. She even told me, face to face (at a conference, after I had left the company), that she promoted men because “they were easier to wrap around her finger.”
I agree with you but as far as Wienergate’s point, he (it is undoubtedly he) is right. He’s wrong because Ashton is best known for being Kelso and then IRL getting with Jackie, but yah I have always been a bit mystified by both these people’s careers. Like, they were the cute couple on a show more than a decade ago,…
Don’t bring DnD down with this. This is some Magic the Gathering bullshit, DnD is an all inclusive game you here?
Reading the article, the professor is apparently a “her.” What the fuck?
Tacos are theoretically a sandwich, but I really don’t want to lower tacos to being *just* a sandwich. It’s sort of like how people are technically animals, but I like to separate out people from animals because people are more special to me personally (except for dogs, I like them more than people).
To be fair, mountain lions and wolves attacked our animals and mountain lions also attacked humans. We got rid of them for good reason.
In some places, Conservation Departments are now paying a bounty to hunters who kill Coyotes.
Science and science reporting generally suck right now (and could very well have always sucked). We continously report findings, even here on Jezebel, from studies that have excessively small sample sizes or that have not been replicated.
Here is the thing, I actually don’t trust Hilary. I think she definitely says things just to get elected and she has no intention of following through on all her election promises.
Why are you Grey?
Ok, the male birth control thing is way, waaayyy overblown. Jullia Belluz at Vox has more: