iraqi press minister

A “freelance writer, actor, and filmmaker” rants about the insufferability of CrossFit.

Maybe he’s still pissed about all those plagues...

Seems like he was in denial.

“There is a precedent of Muslim athletes refusing to compete against or be around Israeli athletes”

Future Cardinal player

That visor being knocked off tho...

Maybe it should be!

My biggest concern is the quality of Sunkist in Rio.

I believe Derek Jeter’s running catch and leap into the stands vs the Red Sox was totally overrated and not that great

I did some digging and found some of the interview transcript - here it is:

Oh great, jellyfish have learned how to post internet comments.

>at least it ain’t Philadelphia

If somebody just told Isringhausen that Smith was wearing a super tight brown shirt, he’d probably be fine with that.

On the plus side, no celebrities have had to die for his goals yet.

Brazil don’t have the most talent in this sport at all, let alone by far. Or did you miss the time when they got all the countries together with their most talented teams to see who had the most talent and Brazil got smashed by the country with the most talent in the sport?

Air Seinfelds

The White Walkers

Must be a regional thing. I grew up with parents that said stuff like, “Put that car up. It’s time for bed.”

Great write up, thanks. Only thing I’d point out is that Euron SAYS he has Valyrian steel armor - whether he really does or not is to be seen.

I’m pretty sure you could flip that statement around and it would be more accurate. Dear US: Please look at what Christian control has done in Brazilian politics; it’s a road you do not want to travel.