
And Zak’s massive fraud bullshit? It’s like peanut butter and chocolate, if peanut butter were dog turds and the chocolate was more dog turds.

that too, I want them to lean into it all! Also Loki very much reminds me of all the previous Disney villains who were coded as queer, can we finally just not code Loki and own it!

I hope they lean into Loki’s bisexuality like it was being earlier reported. I wanna see some Loki flirts with everyone.

I quite like zombie things most of the time, but this one felt a bit tacky to me.

Did they say anything about how/why this conflicts with the telling of Order 66 is the (supposedly still canon) Kanan comic from Marvel?

Ah yes, Nerf Now complaining about game designers realizing that low quality cheesecake is low quality.

The new Saved by the Bell is pulling this off really well too. That show is WAY better than it should be.

Moiraine would scold you for calling her kesiera magical. It’s an aid to concentration and a holdover from her being a noble born Cairhienin.

It looks nice, but there’s some real uncanny valley effect in how it moves. Notice the way the cloud flows along the catwalk like a channel, but doesn’t flow between the slats of the railing. It also seems to behave more like a cloud of heavy dust, or a pyroclastic cloud than smoke.

I think they would end up just putting the UESP crew on permanent payroll

Now playing

This started playing in my head as soon as I saw it:

Anyone else worried that, even though Hellsing is one of the easiest Japanese properties for the West to adapt, they're gonna screw it up somehow?

So I acknowledge I’m not a DC guy, don’t really know many of the story lines except some of the most famous ones. But why would Supergirl need a sword? Doesn’t she have all of Superman’s powers?

So why are you still posting

This isn’t a case of him liking pineapples on pizza, this is a case of morality. Yes theres plenty of shitty people out there working on all sorts of cool stuff, and what we’re doing here is trying to make sure that big corporations understand that hiring people like him or taking on projects from people who think

No it’s art.

WB, make your lead in this series trans, you cowards!

The first clip I clicked on was someone laughing their ass off at making a trans character.

The first film was during World War I, not II.