
Maybe I missed something and while I loved the movie, why Secret Invasion plot of the Skrulls being pissed about not getting a planet when they had Tarnax IV which looked really lovely.

100 Repetitive Dungeons? No thank you I will endlessly do Baal runs for loot. Cause that isn’t repetitive?

Don’t care about any of this but am amused the article photo is from the stream she did when she visited my rock climbing gym. I could recognize those shop windows from even a tiny thumbnail.


The lesbian lumberjack couple felt so weird and out of place I expected them to be the Tom Bombadil and wife of the Willowverse.

Ah. Still be an interesting time to go, especially if they are still going to Paris. Feel like Louis would feel better about eating Nazis at least.

Ahh I knew it was Armand! Not sure why he goes by a different name other then to trick the audience.

I tried playing NMS awhile ago on PC and always got distracted by other games. I got a Switch recently for recovery after surgery and mostly been using it to play Zelda games but I think having NMS on there to play when I need a distraction could be a great solution. 

As a long time fan I enjoyed the early premiere episodes and am looking forward to more. Some things I find questionable but will give it time to play out to see how it works with a new take on the story.

I know RJ talked about a female Chosen One but I though they were someone different then the Dragon but equal. I liked to think she comes when Saidar is destined to be tainted (maybe it alternates each time) and thats why we have witch stigma, legends from a previous Age.

No it wasn’t Jordan’s intention but the failings of the author doesn’t mean the adaptation has to suffer as well. That’s what can make adaptations so great!

“Drag” Not drag. She would be trans. And hey some trans women go their whole life stealthed. So not impossible. And again that is if we go with the Aes Sedai don’t know trans channelers exist.

Ooh they should make Min an enby. Theres some rep there.

Yes that was in the post. :p

As we know from the books, the Aes Sedai were realllly shitty at their jobs and were know it alls who did not know half as much as they thought they did about how things work. So them missing a spy really isn’t a huge stretch of imagination whether they know trans channelers exist or not.

Aran’gar if anything proves that the gendered One Power is tied to one’s soul and not ones body. Therefor no reason trans women might be born with ability to touch Sadiar or learn to touch it. Same with trans men and Saidin though that would suck for the last 3000 years.

Kind of dated terms MTF (Trans woman) and FTM (trans man) and essentialist way of phrasing it, but I mean a trans woman wielding Saidar.

Aran’gar shows that channeling is tied to true self so trans women would channel Saidar and trans men Saidin. And naturally, all non-channelers are just a bunch of enbies (just kidding).

Very few of those 2,700 characters are homosexual, and they’re primarily made up of a certain portion of Aes Sedai who are also misandrists.