Crash Bandicoot’s Girlfriend Gets One Heck Of A Glow Up
Crash Bandicoot’s Girlfriend Gets One Heck Of A Glow Up
Funny thing is I started playing Skyrim again the other day. At least now I can run it with all the mods and it almost looks like an entirely new game.
Nemesis is just practicing social distancing guidelines in Corpse Run. He never actually had any intention of getting close to Jill.
Every now and then, in competitive games, there are matches where it feels like nobody lost. Yes, San Francisco…
It’s canon now, she’s a trans earthworm. Somebody tell Doug TenNapel. Then watch that transphobic piece of shit have a stroke at the very notion!
Haha, it’s been on my mind recently too, but I couldn’t remember enough details to even look it up.
I had been trying to figure out what that show “about a kid trapped in a coma” was and if it was even real! I remembered parts of it, but never enough to find anything, until recently.
Damn, I enjoyed the Odyssey on YTV as a kid, and I knew Ryan Reynolds did some acting as a kid and is obviously Canadian, but had no idea he was on this show.
Jesus, Char. Feels like this game is taking about as long as you trying to slam a fucking astroid into the earth.
Honest question, is there going to be some kind of legal action for people who have already paid for all four episodes of the final TWD season? Or refunds? I’m not normally one to exaserbate the existing problem of gamer entitlement and I actually hadn’t bought this yet (though I would have), I’m more curious than…
You’re right, who are we to want a continuation of a game’s major story and character elements in that game’s sequels.
“People with different tastes than me don’t matter.”
Lara kisses an eel and jaguar, confirmed.
I finished the story, got enough side stuff to clock in at 90.00% completion and have not seen Sam. Unless she has turned herself into an eel or jaguar.
Turns out, humans are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.
writer: *list of reasons why something is transphobic*
A YouTuber by the name of “tj the blind gamer” recently posted his accomplishments on the Call of Duty: WWII Reddit,…