
Train going into a tunnel, smash cut to, a flower opening.

this is literally jesus punishing you for talkin shit about chris evans

"That's what's called 'balls deep in twink ass' kids, now finish your meal. "

you kinda sound like me and i love you for it.

You know what else we could do to encourage regular Pap smears? Just talk openly about vaginas and cervixes and female sexual health and not shroud it in metaphors.

Sexy Chupacabra is a great band name.

And yet for some odd reason I can't quite explain, I completely understand his pain ...

I feel like minus the choker that is an outfit that Lena Dunham would wear now.

You look like the cool kids from my school, so good work?

Girl, Miley Cyrus would KILL for this look right now!

I had a Sean and a Shawn, but never a Shaun. That's just... no.

If you have to jail someone for a miscarriage, maybe start with God.

Wow. You might want to go see a therapist.

Ugh, I couldn't watch Spartacus after he passed. Cancer is a jealous asshole.

My choice, without question, is Robert Cornelius. Philadelphian, photographer, entrepreneur, and arguably the original selfie-taker. Certified hottie.

I'm with the "this is fake" crowd. There have been too many inconsistencies and unbelievable twists and turns.

Not to belittle a serious article, but "main vein"? I hate being the default medical editor on the site (what am I saying, I'm in the grays and my comments are usually ignored by the writers) but "main vein" is slang for the penis, and that's the only way I've ever heard it used. There is a rather large vein in the

I watched yolk drip off of her nose and she never even wiped her face with the napkin. They kept eating, paid and left, putting on hats and coats over eggy mess like nothing had happened.

DETAILS?!!! Please~!