
She had cancer, for fucks sake.

This is hilarious and an excellent way of making the point but, even though I know you're kidding, I want to point out that there's no "too big for condoms" but there absolutely is "may be too big for a regular condom to operate at peak effectiveness."

I just started at Oregon and somehow missed this. Go school!

Oh my god, I never realized how much my cat looks like Angelina Jolie*.

A pre-emptive request: I know how tempting it is, but please, please, please don't feed the trolls. Ignore troll comments that aren't direct replies to you. Dismiss the ones that are. You're not just making Jezebel a much more pleasant place for everyone who isn't an asshole troll, you're infuriating the trolls

great question and great asterisks, sir!

Stop criminalizing a crime? Stop giving these teens consequences for their actions? I think that's the whole problem. Of course, the teen brain has not fully developed and for smaller offenses the sentence should not follow them into adult hood. But can you understand the weight the victim carries in this crime, the

for me, this is how you do an underwear ad: I luvvv jamie in the fall:

I had a coworker who chronically overshared her marital woes with me. And so I learned about "the incident."
Her husband had trouble in the erection department and for health reasons couldn't take the usual meds. So they went with a strap on, which she found to be too cold and so decided to microwave it - for FIVE

Kings of Leon style...

Like my granny always told me, "The watched dildo never boils."

i don't "get" either brand. someone explain their thing? what's the hook.

Well, one thing is fried vegetables and the other one is bread, so... you know... they don't really look that similar.

I work at a craft beer/hot dog bar in the Pacific Northwest. We get a lot of granola folks who come in regularly (because PNW) even though we aren't even close to a hippy-friendly bar.

I genuinely thought you were joking here. Are you serious? Or is this just a "ha ha, someone always tries to defend the assholes" thing?

It's because real life contains people like you.

You know internet dating doesn't take place on the internet, right? You just find people that way. The expectation is to meet in the real world.

How do these people not fall down and die more?

"I'm ready to settle down" within what sounds like the first half hour of the date? No. Absolutely not. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Get your ass home.

I want to combine Angel Haze's tweet with Hilaria Baldwin existing and think that Angel Haze pretends not to notice that her girlfriend's stepmom is what is embarrassing.