It would be great if society could stop cramming this idea down our throats that we need to play mind games and speak in tongues to interact with the opposite sex.
It would be great if society could stop cramming this idea down our throats that we need to play mind games and speak in tongues to interact with the opposite sex.
Missed your identical comment to mine, so sorry for copying you but I think my brain is fried because SPAIN
You can have the babies. I'll take Patrick Stewart!
Count me as a passenger aboard the "Pissed About Stoneheart" train.
You missed these:
"Females will double development time"
Thank you. I saw the movie and enjoyed it mostly (Sleeping Beauty is my favorite animated Disney movie because I had a crush on Prince Phillip when I was six), but the way her "redemption" was through loving a child rubbed me the wrong way. I am not a "kid" person. This isn't to say I don't enjoy speaking with my…
Name all those other issues. Because, you know... Not representing half of its audience seems like a big issue to me.
A 47-year-old man texted "I'm hella busy with C sections." :/
Wait so, believing your length of service with a company and consistently good performance warrant a promotion is "entitlement" now? Do you naturally come by being a sanctimonious smart ass or did you really have to work at it? And good god that quote is the most obnoxious thing I've read on the internet today.
Your dog hates it because he has a much more sensitive nose than you do. Seriously, that shit is bad for his lungs, as are hanging air fresheners. Stop spraying it around him, for his sake.
I read about that on GOOP! The hot thing for summer is leaving your corporeal form behind to inhabit the spiritual plane!
Honestly, why haven't bidets caught on in America yet?? BIDETS, people, TRY ONE.
As Attia of the Julii said, "Large penis is always welcome"