
What if I combine gender slurs? Cockbitch, cuntballs, etc? (come on... cuntballs, that's good stuff.)

Especially considering the show ended at the 54 minute mark. That is six whole minutes that could been filled with all sorts of glorious gratuitous male nudity and crazy orgies. Just dong after dong after dong.

I'm confused about the whole "up to God" thing, then. If you are taking medical measures to optimize or increase your fertility, how is that at all different from taking birth control, in terms of meddling with "God's plan?" You're taking measures into your own hands for both. It's the exact opposite of birth control,

You're a bad person! And you're also wrong about literally every single thing you said above.

There are lots of studies how many women NOT in the porn/sex industry are victims of previous sexual abuse, but we'd rather just pile on to sex workers, amirite? Because slutty sluts deserve it.

I'm going to start kicking air like this. And if any part of you should fill that air, it's your own fault.

OK, I'm going to have to take Ellen Page to task here. I think it's a great look, but Imma need her to try a little harder. First, get a shirt that fits and second, tuck that shit in.

Don't forget:

Look, they even gave it the Hamm's large, unencumbered bulge...

When you've got mediocre talent, you need a lot of pyrotechnics.

The only thing that will kill us faster is this constant use of goddamned portrait mode.

Because to them, women and girls are commodities, and their treatment as chattel is sanctioned by their god. Religious does not equal morally upright.

Oh god, I am so old...

I hope both those wastes of space die of terminal yeast infections with nothing but high fructose corn syrup to use for relief.

So if I stack enough dodge I'll be able to avoid sexual assault? Or is this more of an armor rating thing?

So much on litter! And canned food. But completely worth it. The few years I spent petless were ok, but they add such a great dimension to life. I think pets should be prescribed for stress relief and tax deductible. Love my boys. Who could resist those faces?

Carrot cake? Swipe to the left.

You're missing intent. You cannot take satire out of the context of intent, because it then becomes not satire. The intent of this is to point out how ridiculous the approach society has to girls in science is. It is not intended to be taken seriously, nor should it be. It's not just about being funny, it's about

Interesting how just pointing out that this show idea is sexist and unnecessarily focusing on men brings out the angry XYers. One wonders why lemmywinksno assumes that that we are thinking we are "owed" something because inequality is being pointed out. Also, just because a club/group/etc. doesn't want members,