
Atamanuik tends to rub me the wrong way but I can't deny the cat's funny. That Trump scene was something of a masterpiece.

I like it! Appropriately regal.

Here's hoping for a season-long arc about dudes sitting in a bar talking about how cool Bill Hicks was.

I’ve seen people speculate on that before, but I don’t put much stock in it. They’ve worked well together many times, from this episode to PFT’s several Improv 4 Humans appearances to The Travel Bug with August Lindt (which Paul has described as one of the most fun hours of his life). I suspect the apparent tension

Spontaneanation was marvelous last week, but I was genuinely heartbroken when Paul broke in to explain that Besser didn't take part in the improv due to some miscommunication. I've been waiting for Besser to mix it up on that show since it began.

Superman is a wall-crawling menace!

I was just happy someone mentioned Boris. And their name was a play on the Who song, so that's an easy mistake.

Boris the Sprinkler!

Also, I'm beyond delighted to see the entire Superego archive up on Howl. I hadn't heard all of Season 1 before. Despite Mark's disclaimer at the beginning, it was a fairly fully formed and deeply funny concept from the beginning (although I'm glad they abandoned the poop rap group as a recurring case study).

I was shocked to find myself gasping sincerely when Maxwell angrily repudiated Time. I had no idea I was that emotionally invested in the guy, but here we are.

I was hoping we'd get one last case study of Reverend Leroy Jenkins, but at least there was a little Shunt cameo at the end. I'm gonna miss the heck outta this show, especially since Jeremy Carter is much less ubiquitous than his podmates these days.

The touring jug band plagued by ghosts on the Murder by Death episode is masterful.

I especially like that it opens with Besser discussing the birth of his brand new baby daughter and ends with… that.

That Gelman episode with him as the lone survivor of the apocalypse is one of the high points of the show, and in front of a live audience to boot.

Plus George Kennedy plays a '70s computer nerd, which is worth seeing in and of itself.

The one with John Gemberling, Paul Rust, Lauren Lapkus and Brandon Johnson that ends with Gemberling debating a caller on the ethics of bestiality is breathtaking.

I will now advocate for Human Factor, which is essentially George Kennedy in Death Wish in Europe with terrorists. It isn't great but it has all of the things I just mentioned so of course it's worth seeing.

I guess I can understand Scott being concerned with leaving new listeners out of the loop, especially with most of the origin story now behind a paywall, but at this point I think you just have to accept that most of your audience knows the score. A little aside like PFT's weekly admonition that his guest explore the

I'm happy to have it out there just as a snide reference point for Matt Besser.

Tim Baltz is making an early bid for my favorite new character guest of the year. I'd love a room of Baltz, Joe Wengert and Will Hines explaining their various insane business models to Scott.