
Slightly on topic, one of my all-time favorite live album moments is on SNFU's beautifully titled Last of the Big-Time Suspenders, when Ken Chinn pauses in the middle of their cover of Eddie Money's "Gimme Some Water" to say, "That asshole jumping off the stage is wearing a swastika on his t-shirt, obviously too

Ooh, maybe we can just modify the Robert E. Lee statues into Stan Lee statues, ala Jimmy Carter and Marge Simpson!

Ah yes, that's an important distinction. I stand by his site being well worth reading, despite his self-admitted godawful editing skills.

For anyone who doesn't keep up with him, Rabin is indeed marching in this and plans on covering it extensively over at his own site, which remains well worth reading. (I am not Nathan Rabin.)

I saw Rob speak at a small Al Gore rally back in 2000 (also on the lineup: Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, Dule Hill, and Sen. Bill Bradley), and I believe it was the first time I heard a rich person use the "I'm in that wealthiest 1% and guess what? I don't need a tax break!" line. I like Rob Reiner.

Bert I. Gordon is also 94 and directed a movie two years ago where Kari Wuhrer dressed up in doll clothes and helped her brother murder his dates. I'm not sure where that falls on the wokeometer.

O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with brede
Of marble men and negroes overwrought,
With tiki torches and the tweeted screed;
Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought
As doth eternity. Fake News!
When old age shall this generation waste,
Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe

I think it was only until around lunch time both days, which also happened to be my quitting time since I was the opener at a coffee shop. On the second day someone came in and told us the case was being settled out of court and we weren't needed anymore. I believe I was paid $16 a day for the trouble. I think it was

The one time I was called, I sat in a waiting room for two days reading Sartre and then got sent home without talking to anyone. If not for the "missing two days' pay" part, it would've been an ideal mini-vacation.

My high school psychology teacher once dedicated a class to showing us a Tim Allen stand-up special about how men are different from women. The same teacher also showed us Sybil and Equus in their entirety because they had psychologists in them. Looking back, he may have been not that good a psychology teacher.

You're not allowed to rent here anymore!

Ah, Nip/Tuck, now there's a show I watched regularly until I realized "Hey, wait, I'm not required to watch this!"

I imagine him reigning in pretty much the same fashion as the King of Town, only with slightly less self-awareness.

Whatever issues I have with some of his work, the man created TV Nation, a show essential in making my hitherto churchgoing conservative adolescent self realize that, oh, hey, I'm actually a liberal.

The one with Adomian as Nietzsche and Paul Scheer as HP Lovecraft is also fantastic and very loud.

His moment of realization is one of the most heartbreakingly hilarious things I've heard.

Ooh, this is a good tip!

Jamie Denbo as Anne Frank is one of my favorites. I recall that one being surprisingly moving, which is the second time on this page that I've used that word to describe a Jamie Denbo podcast appearance. Maybe I'm not as lukewarm on her as I thought.

I gasped out loud. And I love that they barreled ahead after the initial shock wore off. Pally was already fantastic as an antagonistic guest and now I can't wait for his next appearance.