
The biggest complaint I see people levy against Marissa Wompler's appearances on CBB, other than finding Jessica St. Clair just plain annoying, is that the mythology of the character has gotten so tangled and convoluted over the years that sorting it out has become exhausting. I'm a Wompler fan, but I do get that

Scott seemed so genuinely disgusted.

I'd rather see Leslie Nielsen in Dracula: Dead.

My six-year-old and I caught the end of Spaceballs on TV last weekend and now he wants to watch Alien. Sometimes being a responsible parent is a bummer.

Give him an issue, he'll give you a tissue. He can wipe his ass with it.

To each his or her own, but I have all of their albums, have listened to each many, many times (except Freak Magnet, which is just a bad album), and "Blister in the Sun" is just about the only song I skip on the regular. It's not even that I dislike it, I just think I've long ago reached the limits of what that song

The dog later bit someone else and was subsequently put down. Good. Fuck that dog.

I hate that game because one time when I was five we visited some people who went to our church and their kid was playing the Superman game when we arrived and I desperately wanted to play it but the kid said we should go outside and play with his dog instead and as soon as we got outside the dog knocked me down and

Yes! Teacher's Lounge with Big Grande is definitely a high point of the series. Things get so delirious so quickly and never come back down to earth.

Makes me happy any time I see Secret Skin getting love. Mike Eagle is one of my favorite artists working today, on all sorts of levels. His fascination with Lil B is oddly delightful to me.

Hell no. I have a kid now. I know my limits.

It's like when I'd order a critically acclaimed movie about a deeply depressing topic from Netflix and it'd wind up sitting atop my DVD player for three months until I worked up the nerve to ruin my psyche for a week.

I had to force myself to finish the original Solo Bolo and put off listening to the sequel for weeks, but I couldn't get this one in my ears quickly enough. I fully understand anybody who can't get into or actively detests these episodes, but the Stockholm Syndrome worked on me. It's good now.

I'm really appreciating With Special Guest's willingness to wade into near-horror territory while unequivocally remaining a comedy podcast. The Eliza Skinner post-apocalypse episode, several disturbing stalkers and now this week's rape-dungeon setting all dig into some pretty unsettling territory. I'll admit this one

Which of them is secretly a crowbot?

I listen religiously. For me, it's the most comforting, coziest podcast going. The improv scenes could be ragged and difficult in the early going, but now that the regular rotation of performers has a feel for the show, they're pretty much always golden. The whole thing has an old-timey radio feel that really works

Plus Valerie had a personality and some agency, unlike Nancy over at the flagship Archie line, who existed mostly so Chuck could have a love interest without pushing any interracial boundaries.

That Womp it Up was a damn delight, especially as it sure seemed like the Ben & Jerry/Jerry Garcia confusion was Lennon Parham's as well as Charlotte Listler's. Everybody seemed to come very close to breaking character during that pile-on, and it was great. I'd love to hear more from B.B. too.

That was my biggest laugh of the episode, but the overall highlight was Adomian's take on Guy Fieri. That was some kind of masterwork.

On the contrary, Bill the Cat has not only weathered each of his many scandals, he's emerged from them arguably more powerful and popular than ever.