
There's been a movement lately here in Minnesota to rebrand us, the Dakotas, and I think Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula as "The North." I don't think it'll take, though.

It was worth the Howl subscription just to find there was a live Harris/Adam episode that I'd never heard before, and it's just as beautiful as any of them.

I knew for certain that this would get a comment from you. Pontiac Moon is pretty much a quintessential MBS movie.

I saw Pontiac Moon right when I was very first deciding to be a Serious Teenage Cinephile. It was the type of small, well-meaning indie movie I hadn't really seen much of before, and I loved it more than it probably merited. I found a poster for it in my local grocery store's video rental section for a dollar, and

Did Mitchell also sue the makers of Pixels over Peter Dinklage's character? He'd have at least as much footing there as he did here.

… by Henry Darger.

He performs an Edgar Allan Poe sketch on The Raven. It is neither Lou Reed's nor Fisher Stevens's finest hour.

Fisher Stevens does vocals on a Lou Reed album. That has nothing to do with the matter at hand, I just like to bring it up whenever Fisher Stevens is mentioned.

Fun Bobby > all

I requested Daughters of Satan when Will put out the call for questions on Twitter, and honestly that exchange is almost as good as an actual discussion of the movie. (Would've liked Selleck's take on what Vic Diaz is really like, though.)

I'll go to bat for Quintet, but I'm aware that I'm in a very small minority there. If nothing else, I think it captures how bored people would get in an underground scenario - enough so that they'll allow a game to become a literal life or death struggle.

Jeez, when I was a kid the going rate was some Frito's corn chips, a Dr Pepper and an old Moon Pie.

Perhaps this is just a promo pic for her new tribute band Deeno, Desi and Billy. (I'm presuming the white-haired guy is a realtor named Billy.)

Now I'm seeing that she did follow up on the initial comments (…. I hadn't seen that reported on previously. Guess that just goes to show how hard it is to get a complete picture in the current pop reportage environment.

I can only speak from my own experience, but I'd say it's largely because kids dig that kind of thing. My son is deeply into the concept of all these species of undiscovered dragons being out there. He memorizes all of their individual powers and traits and incorporates them into his imagination games. He also uses

I can't imagine what his kids would object to in Anthropophagus.

I like that episode a lot. I find it hilarious that Fielder's role in both his appearances on the show includes getting roped into other characters' shady business ventures against his will.

That was a genuinely heartbreaking (although still very funny) moment, especially since Schwartz clearly did know a lot about Dahl's work, just missed a few unsavory details about the man himself.