
"I am… thirty-one years old!"

It bugs me when a Dead Authors guest clearly knows nothing more about their author than what you can glean from glancing at Wikipedia, and I love how much research James Adomian and PFT put into their real-life impressions, but with some celebrities it's that much funnier for the actor to be oblivious to large swaths

I was going to bring up Elisha Cook and I'm both surprised and pleased that someone beat me to it.

I don't have no trouble with you necrophilin' me, but I have a little problem with you not necrophilin' me.

I went into TAH with a longstanding crush on Paget Brewster dating back to Andy Richter Controls the Universe, but now I have an even bigger crush on Sadie Doyle. She's 100% perfect in that role.

That Jamie Denbo Dead Author's was remarkable. Funny, smart and actually legitimately moving toward the end. I never expected that from the show that brought me Scott Aukerman's Ben Franklin.

I'm all about Adomian and Scheer as Nietzsche and Lovecraft, screaming nonsense and flustering HG Wells to no end.

I can't decide if the phrase "Mark Marabella (Amish Haunting)" makes me sad or angry.

Short and pale and old and ugly
The man from Ipanema is choking
And when he passes
The assembled masses go, "Eh"

We would also accept The Thrilling Adventure Hour's Paget Brewster or TV's Birdgirl Paget Brewster.

I really like this idea, except instead of a rocker Stamos's character should be a constantly tipsy Nick Charles-esque gadabout and Brewster's should be a hard-drinking socialite and they should be married and hunt ghosts and toss off suggestive one-liners and it should be set in the early days of radio and it should

As I say every time this episode comes up, someone absolutely needs to sample Phil Hartman's "Rap, rap, rappity-tap" into a hip-hop break.

I actually found his character quite funny, but said character's presence in the Office universe was fairly bizarre. I do love his reaction to Jim and Pam's attempt to suck up via their baby. "That baby could be the star of a show! [pause] Called Babies I Don't Care About."

Sparks was in that one too.

I had to look that up and damn if it doesn't put a name to exactly my type.

Pepitone's "Round of applause if you can't access God" is a line that gets stuck in my head all the damn time.

See, they install that TruCoat at the factory. There's nothin' we can do.

I hope that cactus cost less than $40.

Yeah, I was super excited to see Adomian as HST but the final result was pretty disappointing. Thompson might actually be too easy a character for him, or at least too common an impression for him to add his own nuances.

Counterpoint: both his Nietzsche and his Whitman on The Dead Authors Podcast.