
It was clearly subbed out after the fact, so I also wonder if rights issues finally came into play? It does seem odd that it would take so long.

Adomian's Paul Giamatti makes me legitimately uncomfortable, but I'm on board for everything else he does. He doesn't just get the mannerisms down, he clearly puts in a ton of research. I get the idea that he could probably give a straightforward interview as any one of his characters and get most if not all of the

Oh yeah, it was a typically great Adomian performance, but in the context of the episode it wasn't gelling at all. Although the sheer contrast between Adomian playing a highly specific, idiosyncratic intellectual character and Walsh going with a vaguely defined, fairly one-note character made for some fun interplay

Between Cross's complete dismissal of WYR, Walsh's and Adomian's characters bombing in diametrically opposite ways and Scott getting genuinely (I think) frustrated and a little pissed with the whole endeavor, that episode was a fascinating train wreck.

What impresses me most about Adomian's Leykis is how he manages to mine little nuggets of sympathy here and there without letting the satire get any less savage. Every now and then he lets through a glimpse of the damaged babyman hiding beneath Leykis's toxic bluster and I can't help but feel a little bit of pity. The

Well darn. This is the first time I've cared that my satellite package doesn't include TruTV.

I certainly do!

I know exactly the sound you mean because I still have one of those too.

I still have all my cassettes from high school, and a decent deck to play them on, but one by one they're breaking or being consumed by tape-screech. It really was an unfortunate default medium to come of age with.

If you cut the headline off after "Statement," I feel like you could reuse it just about every day.

This is one of many curiosities I have about this project.

Slightly off topic, but has anyone actually watched the Taxi Driver porn parody? I've watched the trailer multiple times, which makes it look like it's a fairly well-done, nearly shot-for-shot remake of the original. With occasional bouts of hardcore fucking, of course. I'm fascinated that it exists but not fascinated

Those early Kitchener, London & Hamilton records are some seriously underrated psych-prog. It's a shame they got so wanky in the later going, but that's the late '70s for you.

Everything you just said except the postal work describes my dad exactly. He was a federally employed firefighter, but his dad was a postmaster. Are we some sort of secret Sconnie siblings?

"Ivanna preferred 'A Rump Named Trump Buys a Lotta Junk.'"

Like the arm of a couch, or a dumpster behind Arby's?

I hate to think what kind of bait that would require.

That's a good Sting story.

I never tire of it myself but I can respect that. I will say that I almost prefer the live rendition from the reunion concert, when Cale's voice is much more gravelly and his reading much more energetic. The gleeful spin he puts on "pulsate gently in the morning sun" is chilling.