
It all ties together. Women and children as property who are not supposed to be independent of the father. Even so-called progressive men feel weird about their children and spouse not having their last name and society makes it harder to operate if parents, children, and spouses have different last names.

Us Northerners need to get to work building a wall, because when the South is an uninhabitable wasteland, all the people from Texas and Florida will try to come North.

I mean... just call them Shkreli. Shkls for short.

mRNA had over a decade of research, and the mrna vaccines also had years of research behind them, because scientists were already trying to use it for other things.

The modern world now exists in an era of viewpoints using science with facts as the starting point. Everything else is bullshit.

Wow, that was...rousing.

A pussy society where people live longer, healthier lives.

Yeah, that really sucks, don’t it?

Did you see him in the third movie? He leaned closer towards that than in the first two. It’s like we skipped over a chunk of character development, but I don’t mind. Sometimes, if it works, we can just accept it.

Blocked by a Republican Congress who made it illegal for federal funds to be used in such a study.  Which means they likely know the outcome won’t look good for people who love guns.

Quebec has sortilege, a maple whisky that’s almost a liqueur (so it’s both flammable *and* sticky!), I feel like that’d be a good starting point.

Its not “news” at all, it’s just Jalopnik’s daily dose of either EV hatred or Elon hatred or a combination of both on a really good day to keep people believing that there’s always crisis. Remember, ________ love crisis like a fish loves water; you can fill in your own answer.

Also, as an electrician, the truck probably idled a lot which is wear without miles”


If by “essentially” you mean “in all but name”, you’re spot on. I joke, but the “essence” of republicans has been fascism for a lot longer than most people seem to understand. This isn’t a new trend, but rather a full embrace of fascist ideology, rhetoric, and tactics. They’ve just become obvious about it.

That’s totally what I read it as, anyway.

I had no idea this guy was (partly) the origin of that stupid meme, but I kinda assumed it was an LGBT thing after reading the headline and the first few letters on that decal so that’s the headcanon with which I’m moving forward.

Until reading the article I was confused by why anyone would think a crypto marketed based on non-heteronorm sensuality was a good idea.

What are the lies? Point out the lies.

Years back (way before anybody knew this shit) I saw him on a talk show, and he said that when he first went into acting instead of law or business school to work as an executive in the family empire he was cut off from the family money. Then, when he became successful as an actor, he got welcomed back and written

“If I had to guess, it happened well before 50,000 RPM”