
One of the new Disney+ Special Presentation things would work perfectly for that

Hmm... a website pushing videos on its users, even though it’s pretty obvious the users don’t want video content. Curious, that.

You know what else nobody is watching? The short videos you guys are making about how nobody is watching short videos.

Video. Boo. No clicky video.

$hitting on a Meta pushing short form video on users when no one asked for it in a short form video that no one wants.....so meta. These Gizmodo hot take videos are the worst trend that G/O has pushed down the public’s throat. I didn’t think it would be possible to top the Kinja comment system or slideshow format, but

The irony of this being a video, which I also won’t watch. Please can we pivot back to text?

Premium bottles of vodka packaged in glass skulls for everyone!


This! A hundred times this! Like 16 year old boys. Making a lot of noise to attract attention. And then add loud audio systems on top of it.

Your “fun” doesn’t trump others’ right to a peaceful environment, you spoiled, selfish child.

And you’re part of the problem.

Should void the warranty for every set of Loud Pipes

OK Stupid


Faster, Pennyworth! Butle! Butle!

It’s the greatest rocket ever built. Hands down. I designed some of it. Most of the engineers said I was the most brilliant person they’d every met. The launch? It’ll be the most spectacular thing you’ve ever seen, ok? Kim Jong Il will be there as my guest to sing a cover of “Rocketman”. Only losers and democrats

Just write a fuggin' article.

Oh, yeah!  He’s great in that and it’s an oft-overlooked little gem!

He may be a gangster but he still loved America and wasn't pro Nazi.

This is a poorly written, clickbait article. How can a 3rd party GPS disarm my car alarm or cut off the gas supply?