
Kia Souls are fucking great and if Americans weren’t insecure to the point of frantically committing suicide via autoerotic asphyxiation while furiously sobbing against the backdrop of “Proud To Be An American” played on endless repeat, they would be half the cars on the road. I’m prepared to die on this hill, fucking

Yay for wastefulness and pollution!

I drive a legal diesel. This guy is merely a step up from coal rolling.

Fuck this guy and his eco disaster asshole truck. If he would have left the filters and regulators intact, he would have emitted 572.000 tons of CO2 and used 215000 liters of fuel in this lump of wastefulness while covering that mileage. Since he deleted those components, his truck can be qualified as a health hazard

The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) were deleted.

And it would have been a pointless delay anyway. They could have had a thousand eye witnesses with video, and the Republicans would have voted the same way.

Affluenza has stood up to scrutiny in court before...

A little too spot on, I fear. “CEOs are responsible for so many people in a company. That kind of exposure requires special protections blah blah blah vom”

This is one of the best sentences I’ve read in a very long time.

Or he’ll create another fake charity and use funds from donors to pay his bills, just like he did with the Trump Foundation.

Or ask his supporters to chip in...then drop the case, keep their money and consider it a donation towards his 2024 campaign. Sounds ridiculous, but it wouldn’t shock me.

I like to think of Jeeps as the official vehicle of the original Antifa.

Doesn’t Torch have a Pao? You could call it the Kapao. It’s got a ring to it.

Two completely-not-at-all-made-up model descriptions for you.

Let’s be honest, you’re not reaching out to every automaker that has a customer with wheel alignment issues, has fallen asleep at the wheel, or has defective panoramic roofs. Your reaching out to Tesla because a response from them would be clickworthy for you. Most of your email requests are of the un-slick tone...

0-62 in 5.2 translates to 0-60 in under 5 seconds, which for a mid priced family hauler is damn quick in anyone’s book, unless you’re a spoiled auto journalist jaded from driving six-figure cars that do it in tiny numbers.

If there’s anything Mussolini is known for, it was his passion for vehicles powered by renewable sources. After all, he made the trains run on thyme.

But, no, yeah, the economy is -exactly- where it was in February in the before times...

That’s partially true, but it is a lot more nuanced than that, and each jurisdiction has their own spin on things.

Only thing I can think of is a coal-rolling douche truck.