
Jesus, this fearmongering by the left has got to stop.

177,000 (and counting) dead people would tell you to kick rocks with your fearmongering bullshit comment. Take that over to Breitbart.

Turboprop too!  Can’t believe I forgot Saunders-Roe.

That’s nothing compared to the hundreds, if not thousands, of faces irreparably marred by the bloody reign of The Onion.

Oh man, this would be hilarious if it wasn’t real. They’re literally appealing to voting aged children: RED GOOD, BLUE BAD! You guys need a third party to shake things up a bit.

because a stick shift is a sign of virility in some circles?   

Palmer Eldritch can’t be a coincidental name... That is a major character in a Philip K Dick novel. One of his best, a total mindfuck.

You’re just missing the louder dog whistle. That one is clearly saying “YOU NEED TO GO BUY MORE GUNS TO PROTECT YOURSELF” to the audience, who are already inclined to do that, and just needed a little push.

You should be able to see the tires on the car in front of you at a stop light...if you can see the tires you can see the signal.

Let’s say that one pulls up to a stoplight ahead of you, then you come to a stop behind them like everyone else in the world. They decide to then put on their left signal. Light turns green and they don’t go forward and just sit there as cars start coming from the opposite direction. You give them the friendly “beep”

Humbug! The day an electric car is rated at 400 miles per charge is the day a rocket first stage lands on a barge in the middle of the ocean!

It’s only mentioned in passing in the video, but the V6 was actually more powerful than the magnum v8 they had. Even the never produced Howler follow-up with the V8 had 20 less HP than the 6. I guess that got canned for the same reasons the Prowler did. Y’all are OCD over HP numbers and cylinder count. The V6 had more

I hope you yank the ABS out of your vehicles, too - that shit messes with your braking and makes decisions you’re not “apart” of. While you’re at it, ditch the automatic timing advance and make it manual like a motorcycle from 1918. The ECU is making decisions you’re not apart of!

Trigger Me Elmo

I love this - an honorary office.

If Biden wins, he should give Ivanka’s office to Chelsea Clinton, if only just to troll the Q-Anon fuckwits.

This morning I saw Jared on TV, and my first thought was “imagine if Obama had a son-in-law who merely entered the West Wing.” These spineless GOP chuds would be losing their minds.

A. They probably didn’t have the tools.