
Repeating a quote that you obviously didn’t grasp is my way of showing how highly I grade your intellect.

honda s2000

This is all the car 70% of the population would ever need. Myself included. We may WANT M-cars and AMGs and huge stupid trucks, but we certainly don’t need them.

Plus this: “On Monday, on my way to visit my coworker in North Carolina 

So...You, Phil, Aida, Brandon, Steve, Chris, Adam,and whoever else is living at your house and Adam’s house...in a state with more than 55,000 Covid-19 cases, and over 5200 deaths.

The rest of the hand-tool / shop tool industry is moving en masse to China, so even name brands are suffering. Eventually, China will get better at this. After all, they made your iPhone.

Jalopnik has also run several articles about the problems caused by too much traffic in urban teas; and NYC is the US example they use the most often.

First, solve the problem of having to refresh the page to get the comments to show up. 

Why have a truck then?”

The hate isn’t for pickups at large, it’s for large pickups. It’s for sitting in an SUV and having a pickup hood that is nearly higher than the SUV roof with the headlamps shining directly onto the dash and realizing the owner of said vehicle did not buy it because they wanted to lift lumber and sacks of cement 5 feet

Drunk driver crashes into roundabout. Hundreds lay dead around burning wreckage.

That’s an overabout not a roundabout.

Pole vault.

At a high level, the GOP’s mission reduce the Federal government and spending is single handedly cancelled out every time they wave their hand and create a huge and expensive new branch of the military is the real fucking comedy here.

If you take up two spaces I will block you in.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

CAFE is dumb, and the new emissions rules were also pretty dumb.

The cruise industry asking for a bailout is one of those examples. They flag their vessels in foreign countries so they don’t have to abide by U.S. safety regulations or pay U.S. taxes, but they are fine with taking U.S. bailout money. 

Stop.  You're supporting socialization of losses while they can privatize the profits.  No.  They fail.  This is why our economy has become some fragile and unsustainable.  Let them fail and bring sustainability back to the markets and economy.