
No I do, I sound like an asshole. I shouldn't judge a whole region since republicans do that and that makes it hypocritical. But at the same time.... Gays don't do anything to warrant the hate from small minded bigots. African Americans don't do anything to deserve the intense scrutiny and distrust they receive, it's

Ok, I’m gonna sound like a typical smarmy over educated liberal here but....shit like this is why people think of the Republican Party as “the stupid people party”. It’s also why that saying “if you want to see what life was like 25 years ago go to the south” is becoming so prevalent and incredibly true. I know that

Are you fucking—...

No. And I am going to answer this with a quote from the article.


*Gasp* It’s almost like there is a ton more context involved around the complaints and criticisms, and it isn’t as simple as your reductionist argument makes it out to be!

kotaku wasn’t really critical of the original pose, and they were positive about the new one. dunno what you’re on about.

it’s really funny that sites like kotaku and some groups chose that showing pictures of cosplayers in such poses is cool but game developers creating 3d models doing such poses is not cool

Aw, what a cute little circle you guys have made. Ima give you your privacy.

All of those poses are Tracer poses...the only pose the developers removed was the infamous “butt pose.” It’s almost like you’re just trying to start shit.

It absolutely was racist. Am I in the minority, though, for not attributing a racist joke made by someone else to Hillary?

Have you actually played the most recent expansion? They disabled flying for the majority of the expansion’s lifecycle. And even once they enabled flying, you still had to personally complete ALL the open world content (normal quests, dailies, rep grinds) before your account got the option to fly.

Vanilla is what made the game interesting for you, personally most long-time players I’ve known tend to prefer either Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King. One of my favorite times in WoW ever was when I first unlocked flying and then later when I was able to afford epic Flying and get some speed, being able to

Again, no, there is no gay lifestyle. There are multiple subcultures that some gay people travel in, just like straight people do, but there is no “gay lifestyle.” Every example you posted as evidence of the “gay lifestyle” came to being because gay people were excluded from mainstream society and had to create their

Not trying to troll, butI’m confused by your comment.

Yeah, what’s meant by ‘respect each other’s differences and opinions and move on’ is not actually respectful. Respecting religious opinions about the ‘lgbt lifestyle’ usually means allowing them to discriminate against lgbt people. And crying persecution when they can't.


I don’t accept your lifestyle as a bigot.

Yeah, maybe you are in the fandom for the wrong scifi universe.