
“This is basically the same only difference.”

Cry more, tittybaby.

According to the article it’s a NPC that only mentions it in a one off conversation after further prodding by the PC.

Anyone who seriously uses the term “SJW” as a pejorative is not worth any more effort than a top-level comeback.

You sound like a truly narrow-minded, awful person.

There is a line, and diversity doesn’t automatically make any content better or worse. But this particular character doesn’t cross that line. “Trans people exist” is not a political statement, any more than having 30 interchangeable grizzled white male protagonists is.

Exceedingly poor analogy. Baldur’s Gate has multiple instances of fourth-wall breaking. LOTR probably has zero.

It’s a perfectly appropriate joke from Minsc. He has a pet space hamster for crying out loud.

It kinda is though. She can write whatever she wants. Back to the dictionary, maybe?

Creativity can suffer from pushing any point or agenda to an extreme. However having a point to make does not neccesarily make any piece of writing better or worse. I think it all comes down to whether the story the writers are telling is a story that they want to tell. If a writer wants to talk about LGBT issues with

Fuck yourself, bigot.

This is Baldur’s Gate we’re talking about. The game that had all of those jokes and pop culture references in it from the very beginning. Right?

Game Maker: “We have listened to fan complaints and have changes some aspects of our game accordingly.”

So GGs were complaining about censorship in Nintendo games, and now want Baldur’s Gate to be censored.

Who wants to see non-female butt?

There is another female character who is definitely more sexual that uses the “butt pose” and it works fine on her character. Since this character comes off as a lot more quirky and spunky, a pose that reflects that is better. As other people have said, the first pose has sight-lines that draws you straight to the

Of course you do. That’s the assumption an unfortunate amount of people jump to.

I’m a life-long avid feminist and I’m fine with butts. It depends on her character (like she shouldn’t show her butt if she’s not a very sexual character), it depends on whether or not there’s equal amount of man/genderless character (non-gender-specific robot or whatever) butt as well. Women shouldn’t be the only

*waves hand* im a feminist and didn’t like the whole debacle. i felt people were sending the message that athletic girls cant show off their booties.

i dont mind this change. i still see butt. and now she also shows off her sass (hah).

Not that the butt could be seen, but that it was clearly the focus of the pose. As the original post pointed out, that’s fine for a character whose sexuality is a defining feature, but doing it to any female is feeding the idea that you can do it just because they’re female.