Just like half a century ago, we will drag these people into progress kicking and screaming if we have to. We don’t negotiate with terrorists or temper tantrums.
Just like half a century ago, we will drag these people into progress kicking and screaming if we have to. We don’t negotiate with terrorists or temper tantrums.
A rare showing of what “corporate responsibility” really means. Good on PayPal.
It is not a name that is without troubles ... I tried once upon a time to explain its origins to someone it inadvertently offended. I was not successful.
Square sausage and morning rolls AND THESE THINGS DONT EXIST IN ENGLAND POOR SODS.
My only consolation is that these people tend to bitch the loudest and the most.
The difference is subtle but we do have flag waving skin head neo-nazis in the UK, whose party was disbanded last year for reasons of bad organisation and other excuses to just get them out of the way, while UKIP are more garden variety middle class old racists/misogynists/homophobes and young ones who read the Sun,…
Mental. Glasgow is emotionally mental.
I mean don’t get me wrong there are people here who are against it (the wee free kirk needs to shut their fucking pieholes) but in general the Scottish government is just like: u mad bruh
Nor should you ... it’s an unnatural state for Scots to be in.
I used to live in Glasgow. Glasgow is emotionally something, but I never could put my finger on it.
Radge is woefully underused, I find.
“Cuntybaws recommended your post”
We Scots fellas are also emotionally repressed. Until we have a drink. Then people just wish we were emotionally repressed.
This week also saw Scotland allow agender identification as a legal status (ie passports and such) and for trans folk they can change their gender on their birth certificate as easily as their name now (ie no more panels deciding whether or not a person is male or female).
The use of “LGBT” rather than “LGB” in this headline strikes me as misleading? None of Scotland’s mainstream party leaders identify as transgender, as far as I know.
Always a fun reminder that Europe’s conservatives are our mainstream Democrats and their Neo-Nazis are our mainstream Republicans.
I’m currently wrestling with my own gender identity and leaning more and more towards some form of trans every day. I have two sisters: My oldest sister is married with three kids, my middle sister is a lesbian.
wow. The only label he needs is sexy.
Laverne Cox has an identical twin brother, who identifies as something along the lines of ‘queer’ but reeeally hates labels and definitely does not confine himself to “traditional” masculinity. It’s interesting how their different ways of identifying themselves seem to correspond with a different philosophical…
Let's just, like, any time someone wants to interview Caitlyn, they just go to the Wachowski sisters instead? Can we do that? For a better tomorrow?