But if you were a daughter of a young trans woman, surely you wouldn’t find it appropriate for her to be forced to share a bathroom with young men who may sexually and/or physically assault her. Even murder her, simply for being who she is.
But if you were a daughter of a young trans woman, surely you wouldn’t find it appropriate for her to be forced to share a bathroom with young men who may sexually and/or physically assault her. Even murder her, simply for being who she is.
Oh god, please don’t try to speak for the rest of my gender, TERF troll! “Not one of us”? Really? What kind of segregationist bullshit is this?
1) Transgender isn’t just trans women. There are trans men, and they somehow never seem to come up in these discussions despite being very relevant to them.
What’s this ‘no to men’ crap??? Twice now.
I went to a restaurant recently that was filled with old people (we ate early because we were going to the symphony). There were two unisex bathrooms and the old people COULD NOT FIGURE IT OUT. The man in line behind me kept demanding to know why a woman came out of both doors (even though they were clearly marked…
Two centuries later, we don’t have quite the same concerns.
By this bill, my bearded, low voiced, super masculine looking ass will be right there next to your daughter in the women’s room. My heavily tattooed, manly ass will be dropping trouser right by her. I mean who cares that I am more masculine than half the cis gendered men around me. What matters is my birth certificate…
My autistic brother was thoroughly medicated his entire childhood and adolescence. My type 1 diabetic cousin has been on medication she was two. If there’s something wrong with you that medication can fix, then you take fucking medication, and that includes being born the wrong gender.
And the fact that this bill is also being used to control trans men, who, by your grossly mistaken logic, are women...? Fuck them?
I forgot girls’ bathrooms had completely useless urinals where this person’s daughter would be able to lean over and see an evil penis. Or are you claiming she’d be standing on toilets and looking into other stalls to check for evil penises? Does that mean you would find that invasion of privacy more acceptable than a…
Interesting side note: I looked up the voting record on this bill. Here’s a link: South Dakota Vote on SD HB1008
Ooh, that’s an excellent point. They should probably have separate bathrooms or something (she said, tongue planted FIRMLY in cheek). We need to keep everyone from being anywhere near genitals that don’t match their own AND from being anywhere near someone who might be sexually attracted to them. It’s best if we…
The term, biological sex, as used in this Act, means the physical condition of being male or female as determined by a person’s chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.
I am sure he has met transgendered people. He just didn’t realize it, which is one of the reasons this legislation is so silly (and cruel). Many transgendered people (even transgendered kids) have passed for cis-gendered for aeons (even though many others were not able to). Transgendered people have been using the…
As someone who was once a thirteen-year-old girl, I’d just like to say: this bill does not in any way represent my bathroom needs. Making sure there’s always toilet paper in the stalls? Yep. Making sure the toilets aren’t clogged? Sure. A working tampon dispenser? Absolutely. A lack of graffiti on the wall? Ummm...I…
“Do you feel it appropriate for a 13-year-old girl to be exposed to the anatomy of a boy?”
The term, biological sex, as used in this Act, means the physical condition of being male or female as determined by a person’s chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.
The worst thing about meeting different kinds of people is that you start to think of them as, in fact, people.