
Tiny V12s are amazing

I hate most everything about NASCAR. From the restrictor plates, to the lack of road-course racing, to the fact that not one of the race cars are actual cars you can buy off the showroom floor.

Noise limits keep tracks open.

People have farted louder than that. I'm sure now you'll Google this. 

The entire nascar scoring/championship system. And the race stages.

Stint Lengths and fuel per lap in WEC. Im sorry but I know we are trying to be all eco friendly but it strips so much strategy from the teams.

We accept restrictive covenants for real estate all the time - try telling your condo board that you are selling your unit to a recently-paroled pedophile who is willing to pay an above-market price.

It’s fun and it’s about style and car control. It’s the difference between speed skating and figure skating. They’re very different despite using very similar tools, and both have their own set of skills required to be successful.

Counterpoint: have you ever considered what the taxes on a brand-new vehicle would be versus a used one that has depreciated?

Here’s a Mercedes, that you can’t afford taxes, insurance, or repairs on!

The guy had no automobile. He happened to be the one to help because he was on foot on his way to work. Maybe Offset took that into consideration and got the dude something that would have a light tax bill, low insurance premiums, and be easily repairable in the garage with cheap, readily available parts.

I have a 1980 VW Rabbit Truck that is a “forever car”. I bought it from a guy in eastern WA without engine or interior during my senior year in college. Stripped it down, repainted it quickly, put a 1.6 Diesel engine in it, converted to run on veggie oil, and drove cross country on a huge trip that landed me in NYC.

Love, and a good mechanic, understanding spouse, and a 3 car garage.

It did. No driver necessary to kill the pedestrian.

If you ever need to kill someone, gift them a bicycle and then run them down. Just claim you “didn’t see them” or they “darted out and you didn’t have time to react” and you’ll get a slap on the wrist.

I think it could tell she was a cyclist, rather than a human pedestrian, and knew what needed to be done.

“...ignore “false positives,” or objects in its path that wouldn’t actually be a problem for the vehicle...”

Aside from the fact that I like my iPhone this just gives me more reason to stick with Apple. It is nice when a company makes money on their products and doesn’t need to sell your personal data to be profitable.

It’s amazing just how well good pilots operate. It’s as if in an emergency they shut down all the extraneous parts of themselves, and only the analytic and expert stuff comes out. It’s not like they’re machines - quite the opposite, they make decisions and improvise in ways machines simply can’t - but rather, as if