I pretty much know some stuff

After twenty years in TV news, I walked away a few years ago and got a nice job with the state. I actually have weekends, holidays and evenings off now. I wish I’d left that soul crushing industry 10 years earlier.

Why what?

Thanks. :)

You’re right. No worries. :)

Yeah, well.

I’ve met and interacted with a lot of celebrities, but this is about my son.

So you’re gonna masturbate? Good for you. Charity begins at home, after all.

“r/The_Donald mods have set their subreddit up as a safe space. One where dissent or questioning is not tolerated. You either follow or you are banned,”

Well, I mean if you just want to turn your back on your principles and abandon the people you claim inspire you so much instead of fighting the good fight from within, then good on you, I guess?

While you’re giving veterans a hard time, remind us - when did you serve? What branch?

I joined the Army in ‘86 when Reagan was CinC. ETS’d after serving in DS/DS.

“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”

Ok, thanks.


They’re both media outlets, no? Granted, maybe I could have used “Mercury Radio Arts” instead of The Blaze, but my point remains.

“It helps no one, as the only people who will read this and care already feel this way.”

It’s cute how you think the Trump Party gives a flying fuck about the Constitution, keeping their promises, the rights of others they don’t like, or pesky things like laws, rules and decency in general.

“Agreed, and people should write articles about that, absolutely trashing him for it.”

“Let’s all hope for number 3.”