I'm Not Gay, but $5 is $5

Why’s it always have to be a racial thing with you blacks?

You blacks are hilarious.

Obviously thinking about those stolen laptops.

Couldn’t you get someone without a fucking lisp to read this?

Since kneeling during the anthem is already accomplishing so much.

OPM is trash. It’s a shame they’ll bring JC down to its pleb level.

I’m just glad Lebron won’t ever have to worry about visiting the white house. Especially with the teams he’s going to be on the next few years.

The virtue signalling finals are going to be intense this year.

I thought they were already protesting like this. I haven’t seen their offense in any of their games.

Who’s Kayne West?

The Oakland As have acquired Colin Kaepernick

I love all the irrelevant sports personalities trying to dogpile on for the retweets. You’re not working again, RG3. Give it up.

This place has been gargling liberal semen for years. It was ramped up to 11 when they let that irrelevant punter write about the injustices of rich white men and how hard the gays have it.

I’m not a jobless whiner, so I have great healthcare.

We all should. Hopefully yours is painful.

Oh, shit! I’m Brian Hoyer.

Those are some boss ass threads, ni[B][B]a

Can you blame us? It’s hilarious how triggered you guys are.

lol, didn’t take more than one reply to see Trump brought up.

Fucking lame.