I'm Not Gay, but $5 is $5

“Whose side is he on?!” is one of the dumbest things ever said during the greatest heel turn of all time.

UGH! This problematic game again?? We all know it just indulges lolicon fantasy in disgusting males. #canwenot

Was I reading a different Twitter reaction? Everyone fucking loved the guy.

RIP Harambe

Damn, it’s already 9/11? I forgot to get the tree this year.

wtf I love Pewds now??

Yup, happens a lot

Roasties BTFO

You motherfuckers have to go back.

lol, get fucked

I don’t want to live in a country where California gets to decide who gets to be president.

You bald faggot

He’s not a libtard, he’s a fucking faggot.

lmao, go fuck yourself

Buncha uppity blacks as usual

You can just get it from CDJapan. They ship internationally for very reasonable rates.

There’s only two opinions on this. Just like how there are only two genders.

Man, it’s going to be a long eight years for you people

kys cuckfag