I'm Not Gay, but $5 is $5

Another reason I’m glad I didn’t vote for him. What a fun sucker. Also, about 2 years too late with the Pokemon Go reference. 

Just curious, how much anti-white bullshit is in there too?

And yet Hillary received substantially fewer votes that Obama and Trump won in areas Obama won in the previous election.

I thought this was a sports site

Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.

I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.

This is too obvious a take to not have already been made but Lebron likes the East because it’s the obviously easier of the two routes to the finals every year. However, he also purposefully builds a shitty roster so that when they inevitably lose to a Western Conference team, blame is deflected from him and onto his

Again, it’s a serious sport...except when it’s not. Just like all of them. It’s why baseballs are somehow “more aerodynamic,” despite the fact that many purists love 2-1 pitchers’ duels. It’s why the NFL has the game slanted so heavily in favor of offensive players that. It’s why the three pointer was instituted in

This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.

wow, I haven’t heard this taek before on Trump, here. Insightful. /s

Both absurd examples. Brady never said a word about Trump until he was specifically asked, and it was a very mild, neutral comment: “It’d be pretty cool if he became president.” Belichick’s letter was private correspondence, and he said he didn’t know it would become public. Meanwhile, Kerr, Popovich, and others are

Okay but then body mass should be able to effect your stats as well. Make them play the game like real life, if it is that important for them to be like the character in their game. Make them slower, have less stamina, not be able to climb up multiple sets of stairs without taking a break for a few minutes, make their

Jesus Christ this post reeks of a lonely man’s desperation like no other.

A sculpture of limitations, yes.

Forgive me if I have a hard time taking any opinions on anime published on Kotaku seriously.

Brink was one of the few times a Kotaku article written about a game before it was released convinced me to pay full price for a game upon release. I literally bought into the hype.

Nice try KD. Still a bitch.

Nice use of “faggots” in this video.

They should repeal the whole thing. Get government out of healthcare.

Someone from your side tried to kill a bunch of Congressman this week, get off you high horse

You people, you fucking people, killed this industry. You kill diversity in the name of “Diversity”, you exclude in the name of “Inclusion”. Now I know for sure my twitter history will be dug thru in lieu of the quality of my projects. This is a mood killer for me and just... thanks. Thanks for letting me know my