My brother is on a quest to see if you can take a chicken into the final battle with Ganon, and if so, to see if you can whittle Ganon down, then trick him into striking the chicken and letting the chicken strike the final blow against him.
My brother is on a quest to see if you can take a chicken into the final battle with Ganon, and if so, to see if you can whittle Ganon down, then trick him into striking the chicken and letting the chicken strike the final blow against him.
bradshaw was a boring wrestler and is a terrible announcer and a grade-A asshole by all accounts who definitely never messed with brock or kurt angle during their tenures but never forget that all 5'7" of joey styles knocked his ass the fuck out on an airplane once
Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:
Yipes’ best work of all time though is this: Fchamp beat Kane BlueRiver the day before in an exhibition in a very very disrespectful way. So when Yipes commentated their tournament match he had some amazing commentary waiting for that match.
The way people are head-hunting anyone who isnt lockstep with social justice is getting out of hand.
Except that not giving UMVC3 its last run on the main stay without all the donation stuff is just a terrible and ungrateful move from EVO, It was the reason why EVO was growing so fast over the year, and this is what EVO do to the game.
No thanks. When’s Marvel?
We’re talking about a guy who goes around the country talking about the evil of jews, why it would be okay to bring eugenics back and why black people are genetically inferior beings.
That dudes a Nazi. A Nazi dweeb trying to make he’s extremist views look as normal as possible. Which by your comments means it’s…
“Love oranges. Love to smell my fingers after peeling a fresh orange, that zest really gets in there and it smells great. Could smell my fingers all day when I’ve been eating an orange, but you gotta wash them after you go to the bathroom, not sanitary to be walking around smelling your fingers when you’ve been…
The end of every arc always feels bittersweet. I’m glad they got up to Diamond is Unbreakable. I hope they keep going with Vento Aureo next.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Hunter X Hunter, Ippo, Monster, Death Note, Katanagatari, Steins Gate, One Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100, etc. etc.
Scott Van Pelt: “So Jim, can you sum yourself up?”
Jim: “Well, it involves a wish on a Zardoz machine and a Tardis.”
SVP: “What?”
JH: “What?”
The university cannot share the information publicly due to FERPA. They conducted an investigation per their internal process and came to a decision. To claim they have not had due process is a red herring intended to distract from the fact that they were found responsible for sexual assault.
Pretty clear cut, the injury was preventable, if they had done a proper risk assessment of the extender then it wouldn’t happen. The reasoning that he was drunk was ridiculous, there is no fitness to board a train requirement and there is always a chance that anyone at all could find themselves falling between the…
Serious question. Is spending 90k on a pickup truck any worse than on a sports car or a luxury sedan?
The Clinton audible means the ball is going to the left.
Can we stop this weed fad now? I like smoking pot just as much as the next guy but pretending it’d make you better at videogames or damn well anything is just asinine and delusional thinking. Being high isn’t cool, it’s just different. /end rant
Sports needs human error.
So I get that competitive, fast paced, demanding games aren’t your cup of tea, but I think that SC2 as the reigning king of the competitive RTS deserves a spot in the top 10.