
Answer to the question: however the fuck she wants. The question is insulting (not that I’m pointing fingers at Stassa, just, you know, at the entire culture of this debate).

If only Warren was running we wouldn’t have this false feminism bullshit.

This is pretty standard. It’s to ensure the kid doesn’t just just laze around for the rest of their life. Waiting till 25 makes it more likely they’ll finish college and maybe get a job or find something to do with their life other than live off their father’s money.

unlike weed you would need to smoke a whole “blunt” of it to get high

Hey, remember when St. Louis threw a bunch of public money at the NFL to steal a team with an established fanbase back in the mid-’90s, and they were the bad guys? Karma’s a bitch, and James Busch Orthwein can finish that bag of dicks Bob Kraft gave him in ‘94. St. Louis had to settle for the Rams, and you live by the

I get the sentiment of it sucking to lose your team, but in the case of St. Louis isn’t this basically just like being pissed at your wife for cheating on you, when she cheated on her first husband with you to begin with?

I don’t understand this. Does anyone do this to New York teams? Are there banners and signs that say “Finishing what Bin Laden started”? Nearly 2,000 people died in that catastrophe and these kids think it’s okay to call back to it? Stupid and poorly raised by shitty parents.

I don’t get why it’s racist either. That said, I’ve spent enough time in the South to know that to know that when it comes to a bunch of beer-drinking, college-age white guys standing on a balcony admiring their finely-crafted homemade football banner, statistically it’s probably racist.

They were participating in a promotion that involved taking selfies put on by the stadium. It had just been announced right before this clip.

I assume that since Jimmie Johnson is black, his kid is too.

He looks like one of those 5 foot tall weaklings from an episode of Breaking Madden. Jon Bois is going to come on at the start of the broadcast and tell us which twitter user he’s named for.

Bray Wyatt then yelled “Is that your guy?!” about Ambreigns having a mystery partner.

Hey, whatever did happen to those “Stand By The President!” people?

“Filming from an unapproved location” has quite a different tone then implying that the filming itself was illegal. It’s 66 in a 65 zone instead of mass murder. And you well know it.

So the league gets stomped in court, then all of a sudden a “bombshell” report from the same media outlet that leaked completely fabricated information shows up 5 days later? Seems like pretty good timing.

Some how the fact that taping was legal before 2007 was left off this. Also taping is still legal as long as you don’t do it from the sidelines...Funny how that was left off.

Well I thought it was because they were selling signed gear on the side. However, I read some of the ruling and in the letter to Kraft they said he was not allowed to reinstate McNally and Jastremski without his permission so I think the NFL actually did force them to do it.

Put Elite Dangerous in front of him for the next step. Experience what no-one alive will likely have the chance to experience. When a star explodes into your periphery in VR you feel small in a way only Astronauts come close to.

Warren Sapp clearly was not listening closely.

Twitch chat is literally the reason why everyone uses Twitch though, so suck it. 4Head