One of my first CD purchases. :-)
One of my first CD purchases. :-)
Sorry, but j[J]okes like this aren’t funny. I dated someone from Nigeria for a while and he was a fantastic guy. Other people were shit. They kept asking me if he or his uncle was a prince or if he happened to have several million dollars he was trying to get moved, etc. Not to mention the jokes about his name. It’s a…
The No. 25-ranked Italian flopped triumphantly onto the hardcourt, flung off his cap, thumped his chest and howled with victory.
The lmaoVikings see the lolJets bid and raise it by cutting a kicker whom they traded a draft pick for only three weeks ago.
He’ll be trademarking Stir Friday in 2040.
I beg to differ. Everybody seems to be busy on Tuesdays, and thus it is the only day I put in any effort whatsoever. Naturally, I get in early and work late to leave my otherwise lazy ass with three easy days heading into the weekend.
Audible is being a jerk too. They’re trying to get something for free. Why the two parties don’t compromise is...
I did not kick you in the ribs. I was doing that at least half as often as you.
Every move you make
That a part of the Jewish religion would actively demean a specific people, did they learn nothing from Nazi Germany?!
I believe they are! I read it somewhere in the last month. Here we go:
Pretty sure you can ride the subway without photo ID. Police need probable cause to even ask for ID. If there is a law on the books requiring you to carry ID, someone who is arrested for it should contact the ACLU. This is America where “papers, please” is seen as unconstitutional. At least it used to be America, land…
Several+ consecutive 8-hr days? LiLo? So she wasn’t tested for coke then. Sounds about right.
Have a question about what to take? Speak to a PHARMACIST! You should be buying (first-time) OTCs at a pharmacy anyway.
You’re fine. I kissed the top of my dog’s head all the time.
Yeah, this seems egregious. And I’m not even a big fan.
Half-siblings works for me. But then I read maybe five FF comics. I’m not gonna GAS about authenticity. I live an authentic life — whatever that means — and like my movies to be fantasy, even if it’s a different take on the original material. You want authenticity, RTFCs.
Speaking at the same volume is one thing (if you didn’t raise your voice to get there) but one cannot (also) speak more quickly than she had been. Guys just don’t parse the difference.
Wah, the pitcher is always getting screwed! #raisethemound #revolution Guess I’ll have to adjust my thinking. Drink on, scorers, drink on!