
Actually, every female royal spouse goes by their husband’s title. The wife of the Duke of Cambridge is the Duchess of Cambridge. The wife of the Duke of Kent is the Duchess of Kent, etc. The difference here is that Prince Michael of Kent didn’t get another title, so Princess Michael’s name and title are fairly

It’s the lesser option actually. Michael’s title means he’s descended from a king but doesn’t have his own title. It’s also one that can’t be shared with his wife, so she’s...like...Ofmichael.

She knew exactly what the fuck she was doing.

I’ll start the flame war. I am viciously against breeding, as the owner of a purebred cat.

Not that I’m a fan of going after 82 year old humans, but the whole thing of physically altering dogs to suit our tastes is pretty awful and we need to stop doing that.

This. Former adult film actress here, emphasis on the actress. The sex, if you can call it that, is so mechanical. It truly is work, you’re often having to keep the D very shallow because that’s more appeasing to the eye so you’re really being penetrated over and over as opposed to just regular schmegular fucking.

“Isn’t there a lot of denial in the porn business about how many STDs the performers are subject to?”

I had 2 abortions in 10 years, thanks to planned parenthood. And for the first time ever I won’t follow that up with my reasons as to why I had them. I needed them, desperately and I was shown respect, phenomenal emotional and physical support from the staff. I was able to leave with my dignity and my life, sadly that

Well WHY ELSE am I full of despair on a daily basis??

“especially in light of the fact that investigations by three other Congressional committees, and investigations in 13 states including a Grand Jury in Texas, have all shown that Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong.”

Beats bees.

Yeah there has to be more to this. Discussing surrogacy in the office is weird but nowhere near bad enough to force someone like this to resign.

I think Jerry used the proper qualifiers when describing Tillersons sanity:

And they say it while minimizing what happened no matter how heinous and this is 2017, imagine their reaction 10 or 20 years ago.

I’d say the fact that the power suit was something women were advised to wear during the eighties says it all. If women were done the favor of being let into the boy’s club, they were expected to blend in as much as possible.

Funny how so many apologists keep parroting on about “why didn’t these women say anything sooner?”, and apart from the fact that there are a million valid reasons that most victims don’t come forward at the time, there’s also the fact that actually a lot of them did and were utterly ignored because no one gave a shit

Right? Just once, and it was an accident! Because of course! I nearly laughed reading that one....

Lake Gropey-gone?

“It’s been a gropey week here in Lake Wobegon...”