
Perhaps they wanted his face aged to keep the figure relevant a bit further into the future - but why did they also anticipate him having a BUSTED NOSE?

That looks nothing like Justin :/

He’s grabbing her breasts while she’s sleeping. That’s more than just childish.

Meanwhile any actress with that number of wrinkles would be labelled a disgusting hag/disgrace to womanhood and banned from the entire thirty mile zone

He is fucking feeling sorry for himself with that quote. Ugh.

I guess as who I am, I’m not allowed to have a nervous breakdown, ever.

Meanwhile actresses are labelled too difficult to work with if they won’t fuck you.

John Wayne Gacy was great with kids, mostly!

I remember trudging to one of those CEO all hands meeting. As I was about to open the door to go in to the hallway, the CEO comes up to the window in the door and starts to fix his hair using the glass as a mirror. Only my face was directly behind the glass and he apparently didn’t see me....must have stood there for

Tech company that’s way over valued loses tons of money yet people continue to invest and the market continues to grow. When will this bubble burst?

Aww, I remember these. When they were announced, and the price, I was like; “Ehh, sounds neat, guess I’ll give snapchat a try.” Only to find out you couldn’t order them online, but had to go to a place, with a temperamental vending machine, that wasn’t even in most places? Eff that.

What if Jesus is hiding in space and we need to go find him?

Dude who won’t be alone with any woman other than his wife?

Somehow I doubt your friend who is so uber-conscious of crossing lines with women that he refuses to be alone with them unless his wife is chaperoning was taken to HR solely for offering a woman a chair in a meeting. Sounds like there’s a lot of backstory there that doesn’t end with “and out of the blue, I get in

I’ll give you that it’s complicated, but generally speaking nobody is going to raise a fuss if you politely ask a woman you know out once, she declines, and you don’t approach her again.

It’s not that difficult, guys. How many of these stories have gone like this:

I think they know what happened, Rudy Guede murdered her and was convicted for it. The case against Amanda Knox and her boyfriend was just a witch hunt fueled by the press and public.

Fresh breath and a bright smile are simply divine.

White Jesus sure used a lot of Crest White Jesus Strips.