
I know! The other stuff is bad, too, but honestly who would want to employ this man after that? He cannot be that good or special. There are probably many, many better talents out there that aren’t assholes or liabilities (even if you only care about money)

“Those comments were made without having any knowledge I would ever be here”

So it’s cool to say this about a woman only if you aren’t going to meet her/be her cohost??? okay wtf kind of logic is that.

LW1 - Consider seeking out legal counsel who specializes in assisting crime victims. The attorney can provide you with more advice about your options in your area. If you and the lawyer decide to pursue contacting police, you tend to get a better response when you have a knowledgeable lawyer with you. Maybe contact

I posted this on Splinter the other day but it applies here to. My job did this exact thing, except the out come wasn’t good for me and nearly 100 other employees. Just a few hours after the Tax Bill passed, our millionaire founder/ceo (a man that has bragged about his new multi million dollar mansion in Orange County

Yeah, if you worked a Wal-Mart for 20 years you should get a $100,000 bonus. That would still be chump change compared to what Wal-Mart saved by not paying you a living wage, not scheduling you full-time so that you don’t get benefits, actively union busting, etc, etc, etc but at least it would actually make a

I mean, no, bullshit doesn’t usually fit most agendas that aren’t created by Republicans. Make no mistake, these paltry bonuses being somehow linked to tax cuts is a steaming, bloody heap of bullshit.

This is a case of a bunch of rich white people trying to take advantage of a black artist who is troubled,” a “frustrated industry veteran” told the LA Times.

“a black artist who is troubled” is a very mild way to put it. I get that XXXtentacion is being exploited but, uh, that sentence seems to gloss over some pretty horrifying allegations.

ever since the tax bill it has been a steady creep upward....

It’s been an stunning voyage on the way to total nuclear annihilation.

A commenter in a discussion on the Root posted this:

I do think it’s something of an age thing. Older women endured so much of this shit, and now some of them resent younger women who expect better. I experienced a twinge of this recently—I had my kids 10+ years ago and get very little maternity leave. It sucked, and I was very much in support of more generous laws and

Also—is it acceptable that less-smart and less-competent women get derailed by sexual harassment? Everyone deserves a harassment-free workplace. Jesus Christ.

I wish more companies operated that way. I’ve considered switching careers sometime in the next year or so, and I don’t have a specific industry, but I would like to have a job that doesn’t involve a well-known expectation of sexual harassment.

Exactly. Katie Roiphe was detested by feminists when her stupid Morning After rape book came out. Also, her career began during the Third Wave in the 90s. This is like claiming Ivanka Trump as an example of Millennial Feminism.

I don’t think anyone wants Katie Roiphe or those French women included in their wave, do they? To me the French women are just the older iteration of Ivanka Trump type “empowerment” self-proclaimed feminists, they’re not radical thought leaders.

Yeah, “It didn’t cause me to literally curl up into a ball and die” is a shitty bar for her to set. Wrong behavior is wrong, not (just) because it can potentially derail someone’s career.

Obvs those women weren’t smart, competent, or professional.

I can’t agree with this statement : “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or an inappropriate comment about her appearance, and I will show you a rare spotted owl.”

Whose life was derailed by a murky and anonymous accusation? I know I probably shouldn’t respond to your ass but I really wanna know.