
I find Instagram is mostly a place for me to house the infinite (and totally useless) pictures of clouds I end up taking for reasons that aren’t entirely understood.

I am half convinced that those tiny square purses she carries are battery packs and she will live forever.

My friend Norble Renar makes $3700 dollars month working from home with plenty of time off to day drink. Visit dasf.gogl.ia to find out how.

I would love to get paid for commenting, but sadly all I get to do after I post is go home and enjoy an evening with my collection of KEDSUM 200PCS ADHESIVE CABLE CLIPS, WIRE CLIPS, CAR CABLE ORGANIZER, CABLE WIRE MANAGEMENT, DROP CABLE CLAMP WIRE CORD TIE HOLDER FOR CAR, OFFICE AND HOME.

look if i were hot enough to post pics of tea and teeth whitening paste and make a billion dollars, i would.

I admire the chutzpah it takes to try to make a buck off your famous sibling and call THEM Pushy.

But yeah, the dress modestly feminists are about as feminist as the Burqas are feminist crowd, which is to say, not at all.

The problem with most white folks is that many of them will apologize or excuse this kind of behavior. They see it as an anomaly instead of its true endemic nature. When white people decide, en masse, that they need to hold themselves to a higher standard, hopefully we will see less of this kind of behavior. There’s

Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?

sorry my man, no can do.


Megyn Kelly Colors, 9/25/17-10/18/17

Nothing is ever anyone’s responsibility.

Yeah, I’m also 50, and that is a take made of bullshit.

Dude, I don’t enjoy your purposefully-mussed and gelled hair, I don’t enjoy your edgy biker jacket, and I don’t enjoy your old-guy-with-a-young-shtick shtick. I most certainly, then, will not enjoy your dick.

Pence is terrible, and I absolutely agree with everything in the New Yorker article. But I’d still prefer him because he’s not batshit crazy like Trump and less likely to get us into a nuclear war.

I am gay, yes. That’s how strongly I feel about this.

THANK YOU. Trump just spoke to the people at the Family Research Council. He’s not shying away from catering to people like Pence. He may have held up a “LGTB’s for Trump” flag on the campaign trail, but he’s made it clear he doesn’t give a shit about them now. It was a valid thing to say then,(when we weren’t sure

What isn’t he getting now that he would get as president? That’s what I don’t understand about all this “fear Pence” stuff. The call is coming from inside the house, people.