
Truth. It’s unfortunate that even within the LGBT community, we managed to create a microcosm of the prejudices and oppression outside-the men oppress the women, white folks oppress Black ones, cis folks alternately ignore and crap on trans folks, and we all ignore and erase Bi/Pan folks.

The “Moral Majority” finally get the leader they deserve: a serial sexual predator, adulterer, thrice-married, draft-dodging megalomaniac coward who has admitted to never have asked god for forgiveness.

Yeah, without the subsidy, I’ll be back to putting off doctor visits until I’m on death’s door, because I have two prescriptions I CAN’T stop without serious effects to my daily life. I’ll have to pay those out of pocket, which was somewhere around $140 a month before the ACA kicked in. But I can’t afford health

True. Sorry, I am kind of highjacking this thread. My husband of 20 years and I ave been fighting for the first time about our government. He thinks I can’t trust when our POTUS tweets and the appears on Hanity, on video. He thinks I may take it out of context. I am an executive in my company, I’m not stupid. If I

Wubbels didn’t “trade” on anything. Just look at the difference in how people reacted to Justine Damond versus Philando Castile.

To try to inject race into this discussion seems a bit forced. You make it seem as if this lady was trading on her privilege

My favorite part was about draining the swamp cuz he’s in quicksand. Eminem is a great freestyle rapper. He should make a movie about his mad skills. I know it’s an unpopular opinion as a feminist, but I gotta give him props because I do think he’s quite talented even though some of his lyrics are terribly offensive.

Find interview where Crews talks about women in general, you will like him even more.

I mean, unfortunately he DID get away with it, which is exactly the thing that perpetuates this kind of vicious, demeaning harassment. Even now, Crews understands that he can’t name names. So, thus far, no consequences for appalling treatment of another human being. The only way it changes is if we force those

It is becoming crystal clear that this behavior in Hollywood is so common that this person thought he could go up to a man who could clearly kick his ass and grab his privates AND get away with it. He probably knew that Terry was aware of how it would look (240 lb black man beats up Hollywood honcho.... like he said

Damn Viola Davis’s response is perfect and powerful and about to make me cry. She’s truly a treasure. I don’t have the words to say how much I admire her consistently good commentary about the state of the world but I hope she knows how important her words are to so many people.

I’m also in awe of Terry speaking out, I really hope this encourages more to come forward, if this ex football player macho man can come forward, so can you, there seems to be this narrative that being assaulted means you’re weak.

How utterly invincible do you think you have to be to grope Terry Crews in public and in front of his wife without any repercussions? What kind of sick, deranged power move is that?

I can’t think of other situations in which you are allowed to blow up another person’s marriage, but I’m sure our commenters can come up with some.

There is no such thing as “too rich” or “enough” for these types of people.

You can’t lose what you don’t already have.

There were times when artist were allowed to use only male models. That’s also why so many paintings of children look weird. I guess they tried to imagine which parts of the body would be different and then winged it.

I totally empathize. I get the same reactions at work, and you could almost call it bullying if not for the fact that consuming meat and dairy on a constant basis has been socially ingrained in our brains on every level. Family pressure, peer pressure, and force-fed (ha) marketing on every media medium, every single

It’s pretty weird how...violent people get when you suggest that just maybe cutting back on meat/dairy might be an easy choice that individuals can make to actually have an environmental effect? It’s easier to shift to buying beef only once or twice a month than to buy an electric car or figure out how to take three

We have to clear cut a lot of forestry to make room for grazing livestock