
Extra, extra dead.

Frusen Glädjé- if they still made it I would eat it. But not with Jeffrey Dahmer. Mostly because he’s extra dead. Also because he was one of the creepiest serial killers ever.

“I think feminist is an insult but I still want credit for being woke.”

Bobby, I know people will decry my sentiments in defense of your poor soul, but I am beyond delighted that you are willing to sacrifice yourself so that we may have these entertaining posts. It’s selfish, I know, and I do apologize for that, but you are doing a service for us all, so thank you from the bottom of my

“I’m sitting here with Jeffrey Dahmer, who, you might remember, murdered and ate numerous people. Now, Jeff, do you ever have days where you just want to put on some fuzzy slippers, eat a pint of Früsen Gladgė, and watch old reruns of Let’s Make A Deal? Because when I get the Blahs, that’s what I do. What do you do to

My parents screwed up a lot with us, but I give them credit. They were just as confused as i was about the whole thing. Looking back, I think my sister had no idea why she acted like that either.

I could go either way on Kim’s reaction, but I totally believe it if she was less than pleased. I don’t know what it is about sisters, but for just once in my life, I’d love my sister to give me a normal reaction to good news or even my life choices. I know I’m projecting, but I’m flashing back to 1986 when I picked a

I guess it just seems in poor taste to start dating someone while someone else (who you were dating at some point) is pregnant with your child.

Exactly, I don’t care about the Kardashians at all and have only watched a few episodes of their show, but I know Khloe has struggled in infertility for a long time so for her sake, I hope this is true.

“She’s been dating Thompson, a center for the Cleaveland Cavaliers, for a little over a year. Thompson has a nine-month-old son named Prince with his ex girlfriend, Jordan Craig.”

I know. I posted some sick gifs, but I wanted to come back and also say that I am happy for Khloe, who has wanted to be a mom for so, so long. Congratulations to her!

For serious, she has been open about her struggles on this and has had to watch everyone else have babies for years. I’m just gonna go ahead and be thrilled for her.

I keep having pregnancy dreams (nightmares really) and I don’t think this news is helping. Don’t worry, my period ended like 3 days ago so I’m not pregnant either. Cheers to us!

you know what, good for her! She wanted to have a baby for a long time. She is a grown woman who has lived her life and can afford it.

My eyeballs fell out of my head when I got to the part about the OBAMA supporter having voted for TRUMP. Jesus fucking christ, nothing means anything anymore, it’s all absurd, what are we even fucking doing on this planet.

I’m glad Oprah at least tried to point out that Trump’s being judge by his current words and actions. Deaf ears and all, but....well....I got nothing. I feel like there’s more give to a brick wall.

And I love what he’s doing ***to*** this country

A woman named Rose, who voted for Obama before voting for Trump, claims that the country hasn’t given Trump a chance.

Makes me pissed off. How do you justify this kind of living to yourself? “I work hard so I deserve this”? Fuck that. Wealthy people are all delusional

You know you don’t come from money when your first thought is “who the fuck has time to clean that?!” Then you remember the owners pay people for that. All those windows! :O