
Of all the people you can screw with in the world, how dumb do you have to be to pick Judge Judy?

The Koch brothers have closed their wallets. That’s why the GOP is so desperate to pass this while they still can

At this point, mustache twirling cartoon-villain Republicans are perfectly fine with murdering people (And I say this with no hyperbole, because if this bill passes people will die.) so long as they can undo the big nasty black man’s signature legislation and make libtards cry.

There have been some interesting polls over the years demonstrating that Americans tend to have very skewed ideas about the degree to which they’re supporting “unworthy” people, if you take misconceptions about how the federal budget breaks down as evidence. People typically believe that things like welfare and food

or benefits someone they feel is unworthy

I think the decline of religious institutions in America is a big cause of this. Fifty or 70 or 100 years ago, the people who are joining Loom would have been joining a mainline Protestant denomination befitting of their perceived social status (and what are churches, if not “communities that are somehow better than

The phrase “evidence- based” always enrages me. It is trying to take on the cloak of science and act as if its results are infallible and without prejudice or bias — when, in fact, it is definitely neither of these.

Resources are engaged and we have shared your concerns with the appropriate management for consideration in future updates. ;)

provide evidence-based classes, results-driven coaching

You might say that my ideals are unrealistic, and that coming from Quebec I am out of touch with the reality of American civic life in all its painful complexity.

This is a deeply worthy reason for existing; new families often need more support than the American health care system and nuclear family-oriented social structure are able to provide.

She’s a horrible wife for kissing her friend?

Oh god, she was the one responsible for that disaster of a hit piece?

I was just reading about Goldberg recently because she wrote a piece for The New Yorker a couple years ago that was widely criticized for its anti-trans slant. You can read more about that here:


And to clarify in case anyone is interested, this is one of several sections in book I’m referring to:

FWIW I think I’ve read >90% of books on sexual assault published in the last 5-10 years, and I disliked Blurred Lines. It seemed to me like she was writing for your moderate dad who isn’t quite sold on believing all survivors- qualifying arguments before making them i.e. “it may come as a surprise, but” and “i was

I’m an academic and something about this article just hit me right in the gut. I’m the only woman in my department and junior and my (feminist) contributions are never welcome. Saying “they hate the sound of my voice” explains my whole professional experience. It’s not just not being the default male voice, I think my

I would have appreciated an independent assessment of Goldberg’s inaccuracies, but this article only presents Grigoriadis’s point of view, and it offers no quotes from the book to defend it. It merely states that Grigoriadis addressed what Goldberg accused her of not addressing, but it would have been great to see

I’ll say it...Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a lazy choice at this point. I so wanted Pamela Adlon to win because Better Things is awesome and she does ALL THE THINGS in it.