
“What do you get when your pres. is a creep?”

These are the same people who consistently conflate “calling out racism” with “being racist against white people.”

The best advice my mother ever gave me was to never marry a person with a shit family. Do you know what I’d be dealing with for the rest of my life? Or until every one of them/I dies? Their shit family. And you know what else happens as time progresses? EVERYTHING GETS WORSE. The parents get dementia. The sister gets

To some degree. However, we are rapidly descending into 1984 levels of word absurdity. Not because an all powerful government is forcing us to, but because we do it to ourselves. I guess that’s the interesting twist to our story.

Just because you slap label and have a background that stated “feminist”, it doesn’t mean it Feminist.

Stop giving this asshole interviews.

That doesn’t mean we need to give up on pushing the country in the direction of generosity and away from white supremacy. We can acknowledge what brought (still brings) us to where we are now without giving up the ideals, however unmet, written on the statue by ‘a French immigrant’.

The GOP elected a rotten sweet potato because of the courts and we couldn’t get it together to elect a capable, qualified woman for even that, most basic, purpose.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with reporters challenging the administration to define their stand on the American narrative. If they’re going to benefit off the America is the nation of immigrants story (in part by providing wives for Dear Leader), let them come out and actually state “nope, we don’t believe

The resistance to Trump is often (not always) more based on feelings than solid legal ground. That’s why you had reporters coming at spicy spicer with poems from French immigrants as often or more often as quoting laws and legal framework.

I take comfort in the fact that you think we’ll still have the internet and electricity in five years, rather than the slim hope that we can create enough fire to heat up Ted Cruz’s expired Campbell’s soup stash during the coming apocalypse.

Just a small correction: You mention that he is now five years into his sentence, having been sentenced in 2012, but 2012 was actually 97 years ago.

The unfortunate truth is that hate groups thrive on this sort of mentality.

yes, and welcome to the internet.

Seems like you haven’t been there lately.

So that praise kek shit people say is actually an alt-right thing?

Isn’t that something from 4Chan?

.... Is 4chan an alt-right thing, now?

There are two other people that I know of who escaped from the elevator bank that day.

Uh, no. Not having it. I am one of those people who is still irritated that the Franklin Mint put out commemorative 9/11 coins approximately 3 weeks after it happened. Fuck people for trying to make sweet cash off a horrific tragedy. And a hearty fuck you to the President for using 9/11 as a political ploy/reason to

And kind of a wasted opportunity since there was a pretty remarkable case of survival in which a group of a half dozen or so people trapped in an express elevator managed to pry open the doors and chisel a hole in the dry wall to make an escape. They were, if I remember correctly, the only people to escape from an

Let’s face it, Stephen King’s not a great writer, period. And yeah, his sex scenes are pretty bad in general. He’s a great story teller and has one hell of an imagination, but his style is lacking, to say the least.