
If you live in a place that gets direct sun in the summer, put your aloe vera in a huge tree pot and drop it outside where it will get direct sun. Water it twice a day. Your aloe vera will become a giant bush aloe vera that looks like an alien springing from the earth. I mean GIANT!

Similarly I, a millennial, should not be allowed in the plant section of Ikea.

It’s also really good for your mental health... I mean, not disputing anything you said, but studies show that having plants around is good for you.

My mom has my great grandmother’s Christmas cactus and has promised me that I shall inherit it.

And because we can’t afford anything resembling a yard. Ayn Rand didn’t account for the need for green space, apparently. But by all means! Stack em up and pack em in.

I have my grandmothers xmas cactus which we can confirm existed in 1927. No wat to confirm earlier, but this is woody as hell and blooms every year now that it is in the south. Thank you Agnes!

Everyone else gets a participation trophy.

Also you can’t raise kids for food. Takes too long I’m hungry now not 11 years from now Jaydhen!

I’m a millennial, therefore I have student loan debt I should have repayed shortly before I’m dead. I grow plants that become food because I have to eat to live, live to work, work to pay my debts (until just before I die, see above.) So are we obsessed with houseplants? Maybe, fuck I don’t know! Or maybe we’re just

This is hilarious because I, a millennial, went out about 3 weeks ago and bought $68 worth of plants. Some lucky bamboo, some aloe vera, two nice round leafed succulents, a vaginal looking cactus and an African violet whose flowers wilted quickly.

They are going to lose their mind when they discover how well those house plants are complimented by macrame. It’s glorious!

Millenials are achieving ‘girls bathroom’ levels of mystery and intrigue.

It’s like tan being considered a sign of lower-class menial workers — and therefore unattractive. Until Coco Chanel began sunning on her yacht, and then instantly it became a sign of wealth and prestige.

This was part of my thought. I’ve been an apartment dweller for many years now, and not having a yard means you don’t get to garden. I actually enjoy gardening — finding plants that I love, growing them, and so on. I have a small balcony (that I don’t have the money right now to situate with larger planters and the

If millennials are into houseplants, it’s just a resurgence because housewives of the 1950s and 1960s were the MASTERS of indoor greenery. Check out your grandma’s ridicuously old and prosperous Christmas cactus.

Unlike kids. Hope I never make that mistake again...

It’s because we are poor and can’t afford home decor. Also plants are nice and when you kill them by accident no one asks questions.

They are probably all growing their own avocado trees so they can disrupt the avocado toast industry and crash the one growth area they created, devious little fuckers.

Never thought about it before, but yes. I was a pre-Grindr gay and always fell in love in chat rooms, and I thought 21 was way too old to still have a V-card. I took the walk of shame through Times Square and cried all the way back home on the subway.