
I know we will have to co-parent, regardless of the outcome, so we are both seeking counseling in order to work through issues to be better parents. I just don’t know what is right, or at least, what other people would do in a situation like this.

Thirty years together. I want us to be one of those old couples who makes their diamond anniversary. All shriveled and lumpy and still in love.

What does it say about my sad, cynical heart that I immediately thought, “Oh God—they’re going to break up, aren’t they?”

Don’t jinx it!

Imo the best lead ever was Sean Lowe and aside from Tierra, there wasn’t a whole lot of drama on his season between the contestants. The drama more came from them falling in love with him and then having their hearts crushed when he sent them home. I’m trying to think of the season with the most contestant drama...

“actual wooden post Chris Soules” /dying

Yeah, this is why such a big deal is made about whether or not a contestant is on the show “for the right reasons.” The “right reason” in this case is to find true love with the bachelor/ette because you genuinely care about them as a person, and the “wrong” reason is because you could get your own show out of it (or

TBH I never watch for the leads, just the contestants. Just like worst bachelor ever Juan Pablo had some of the most entertaining women and actual wooden post Chris Soules had some of the most interesting women, I will watch (the first episodes at least) no matter who is the lead.

“Peter, if we’ll recall, said on Rachel’s season that he wanted to be with her but refused to propose, because he’s a normal person who wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment after like four dates.”

Uh, no Florida was not fine after the 2004 hurricane season. Charley alone caused 13 billion in damage. It was far from unscathed.

I am going to give you some statistics:

It’s for the same people that buy decorative plates of bald eagles and Reagan to place on a shelf.

Basically the same market as late night TV, old junk collectors.

.... Of all the crafts in the world that could be parlayed into something lucrative and taught in an apprenticeship, they picked medals. Medals? MEDALS?!? WHAT?

I’m reminded of the commenter who told me Houston would be just fine:

I agree.

I’m sure she’ll be rejected again.

MIT, like Caltech, has a great hacking tradition. For example, hackers put a police car on the great dome in 1994:

Classic nerd fun. Five or six years ago, we became aware of some Cambridge-area phone number one could ring on Pi Day and hear the digits being read out by an automated voice. It was a loop already in progress (it didn’t start fresh with each caller), so the onus was on the caller to figure out how far along the

Loved MIT frat parties back in the day. No waterfalls, but elaborate bongs designed by nerdy engineering majors. Plus my friends and I would sidle up to a group of cute shy boys and say, “How many places can you recite pi out to?” and they’d all immediately start with “3.14159....” They could all do 50+ places.